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Fluids of different densities, all have different properties. Different liquids may freeze, evaporate, melt, combust and/or conduct.

WATR Water

Description: "Conducts electricity, freezes, and extinguishes fires."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

WATR at temp of T degrees C, experiencing P pressure, will turn into WTRV, as follows: T ⩾ +99.86 + 2P . WATR experiencing any pressure P will turn into ICE or SNOW when WATR's temp T is ⩽ -0.01 degrees C, into ICE if P < +0.8, or SNOW if P ⩾ +0.8 .

Product of DSTW (distilled water, see below) and most powders and liquids, also conducts but at a slow pace, with a longer period of time before it can conduct again.

WATR will set off RBDM and LRBD when they touch, and put out FIRE. It freezes into ICE and evaporates into steam. These state changes are affected by the surrounding pressure.


Description: "Flammable, turns into GAS at low pressure or high temperature. Can be formed with NEUT and NITR."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Flammable liquid. With low pressure/heat, turns into GAS. GAS turns into OILl when cooled/exposed to low pressure.

OIL at temp of T degrees C, experiencing P pressure of less than +5.50, will turn into GAS, as follows: T ⩾ +59.86 + 2P . A pressure of +0.50 is produced in the OIL-GAS conversion for every particle of OIL. At a pressure P of +5.50 or more, OIL will create +0.50 pressure for every degree C Temp the OIL is above the T value in the equation, that is it does not turn into GAS but instead produces more pressure.

Oil can also be formed with neutrons and Nitroglycerin.


Description: "Molten lava. Ignites Flammable Materials. Generated when metals and other materials melt, solidifies when cold."

Spawn temp: +1522.00 C

Solidifies to molten material under the melting temperature of the material.

The following materials can become molten at high enough temperatures: Most electronics (mostly wires melt, these don't melt: BTRY, INST, and WWLD), Most powders (some that don't melt: SNOW, BREL, ANAR, GRAV, FRZZ, BCOL, FSEP, YEST, and DUST), Glass (GLAS), Breakable metal (BMTL).

LAVA, when spawned (such as when you draw lava on the screen, or with CLNE) cools into STNE. If you change the ctype with PROP or the console, you can come out with any type of LAVA like molten STKM, molten WATR, or molten FIRE. This is glitchy though, don't expect this behavior to always work in the future.


Description: "Dissolves almost everything."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Dissolves many things. Some notable exceptions are: LAVA and explosives (it will just ignite), Elements in "special" and any other special element, GLAS (glass), QRTZ (quartz) and PQRT (broken quartz), DMND (diamond), and GOLD.

ACID is also flammable, it burns when exposed to FIRE, SPRK (electricity), or LAVA. It generates heat when dissolving things.

Has extra effect on TTAN (titanium).

DSTW Distilled Water

Description: "Distilled water, does not conduct electricity."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Product of cooling WTRV (water vapor), or introducing water to NEUT (neutrons). Does not conduct electricity. PLNT will not grow from this. Does not cause IRON to rust, undergoes electrolysis (seperates into HYGN (hydrogen) and OXYG (oxygen)) when in contact with sparked IRON.

DSTW has the same boiling and freezing points as water, see WATR for more information.

SLTW Salt Water

Description: "Saltwater, conducts electricity, difficult to freeze."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Product of WATR and SALT. SLTW freezes at a temp below -20.00 C, and vaporizes at +109.86 C, at zero pressure. When it is heated enough, the SLTW evaporates and may leave behind SALT or WTRV.

SLTW at temp of T degrees C, experiencing P pressure, will turn into WTRV, as follows: T ⩾ +109.86 + 2P . SLTW experiencing any pressure P will turn into ICE (ctype SLTW) or SNOW when T is ⩽ -20.01 degrees C, into ICE (ctype SLTW) if P < +0.8, or SNOW if P ⩾ +0.8 .

SLTW also destroys PLNT and makes QRTZ grow slowly.

MWAX Molten Wax

Description: "Liquid Wax. Hardens into WAX at 45 degrees."

Spawn temp: +50.00 C

Molten wax. It burns, and hardens into wax at a temp of around 45 C.

LN2 Liquid Nitrogen

Description: "Liquid Nitrogen. Very cold, disappears whenever it touches anything warmer."

Spawn temp: -205.00 C

When transferring heat to a particle warmer than itself, dissipates and generates pressure. LN2 and NICE (nitrogen ice) are often used as cooling mechanisms, because the liquid nitrogen disappears after it reaches a certain temperature.

DESL Diesel

Description: "Liquid diesel. Explodes under high pressure and temperatures."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Flammable liquid, lighter than WATR. DESL has the same characteristics as NITR but ignites instead of exploding. Ignites over +50 C and with pressures over +5. DESL will burn steadily (slower than OIL) if a small amount of FIRE touches it. It will also burn with a lot of SMKE

LOXY Liquid Oxygen

Description: "Liquid Oxygen. Very cold. Reacts with fire."

Spawn temp: -193.15 C

Liquid form of OXYG (oxygen). Transforms into O2 approximatively over -170.00 C. Ignites quickly when sparked or in contact with FIRE. When ignited, it turns into +2000 C plasma


Description: "Glow, Glows under pressure."

Spawn temp: +42.00 C

Glows when exposed to high pressure. Changes color with temperature. When PHOT passes through GLOW, PHOT will receive the same color. However, with the temperature of PHOT being about +900 C, it's fairly tough to keep GLOW at the proper temp. Glow also multiplies the number of PHOTs (photons) that come into contact with it.

GLOW changes color under many different situations: Gray >> nothing
Blue >> moving (like [METL])
Luminous red >> high temp
Dark green/blue >> low temp
Luminous green >> high pressure
Dark purple >> low pressure
Yellow >> high temp and high pressure
Luminous pink >> high temp and low pressure
Slightly darker luminous green >> low temp and high pressure
Dark blue >> low temp and low pressure

Makes deuterium oxide (DEUT) when mixed to WATR.

BUBW Carbonated Water

Description: "Carbonated water. Slowly releases CO2."

Spawn temp: +20.00 C

Releases CO2 when in contact with anything. The release of CO2 creates pressure, which then causes a large 'explosion' of BUBW. BUBW also spontaneously decomposes when left by itself.

BUBW has the same boiling and freezing points as water, see WATR for more information. ICE and SNOW formed from BUBW is of ctype BUBW.

BIZR Bizarre

Description: "Bizarre, contradicts the normal state changes. Paints other elements with it's deco color."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Contradicting 'normal' physics, this element solidifies at around +130 C, and evaporates around -170 C. When colored with Decoration layer colors, it will transfer it's color to other elements it touches. Bizarre will transform PHOT into ELEC.

PSTE Paste

Description: "Colloid, hardens under pressure."

Spawn temp: +20.00 C

Turns into solid PSTS at about +0.30 pressure. Becomes BRCK at around +480 C.


Description: "Gel. A liquid with variable viscosity and heat conductivity."

Spawn temp: +22.00 C

Added in 75.0, GEL can absorb WATR. While absorbing WATR, it becomes darker and less viscous and its heat conductivity increases. If in contact with SPNG (sponge), water passes from GEL to SPNG. When GEL touches PSTE it will drain the water from the PSTE and the PSTE becomes CLST. If a gas touches the surface, then it will be randomly pulled across it and deposited somewhere else, useful in liquid/gas separation. Also appears to "stick" to gases.


Description: "Soap. Creates bubbles. Washes off deco color."

Spawn temp: +20.00 C

Creates bubbles at about +0.50 pressure, the bubbles have the same color as the soap. Removes decoration.

Bubbles will freeze at lower temperatures.

VIRS Virus

Description: "Virus. Turns everything it touches into virus."

Spawn temp: +72.00 C

Will turn almost every element into more VIRS. VIRS has three states which depend on temperature only: solid, VRSS, liquid VIRS and gaseous VRSG. virus is highly flammable, but now only to PLSM, to prevent random burning as FIRE or LAVA gets infected. The cure for virus is SOAP, this will make all VIRS turn back into what it was.