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Gases are light elements that have little gravitational attraction, no gravitational attraction, or rise up (like steam).
Description: "Diffuses quickly and is flammable. Liquefies into oil under pressure."
Temp: 24°C
Combustible gas. Can be produced by:
Bombarding with
and/or placing
in low pressure (see
for more information).
If the pressure P is > 6.00, the will turn into
, however it will not stay like this unless the pressure is kept.
Water vapor
Description: "Steam. Produced from hot water."
Temp: 122.00 C
Water vapor. Produced when water is heated above 99.86 degrees C (Salt Water must be heated further to 109.86 degrees). When Water is boiled in high volumes quickly, the steam can create very high pressure. WTRV condenses to DSTW, by pressurization or cooling. WTRV at a temp of T degrees C, experiencing P presssure, turns into DSTW, as follows: T < 97.86 + 2P , when the P is > -49.93. If the WTRV is experiencing < -49.93 Pressure, it deposits (gas >> solid without going through the liquid phase), forming RIME, which is another form of Ice in The Powder Toy. When RIME is sparked with electricity, it becomes FOG (see RIME and FOG for more information).
ACID in contact with steam will turn the steam into caustic gas.
Description: "Plasma, extremely hot"
Temp: 10000C
Extremely hot gas, burns at 10,000 degrees Celsius. Plasma can be produced when FIRE is heated to temperatures around 2500 degrees, from sparking Noble Gas (but at a lower temperature of 1000 degrees), or sparking 2 parallel electrodes, causing plasma arcs. Plasma has similar properties to fire.
Noble Gas
Description: "Noble Gas. Diffuses and conductive. Ionizes into plasma when introduced to electricity." (closest counterpart in the real world is Helium [1])
Temp: 24.00
Ionizes into plasma if sparked, the plasma is only around 1600 degrees Celsius, but with each further spark, the plasma produced gets increasingly hotter. NBLE lasts forever, it does not disappear when it's life runs out. Noble Gas produces a slight pressure until the current ambient pressure is around 3.5. NBLE is the second stage in the nuclear fusion process.
FUSION: When NBLE is at 100 pressure and heated to 5,000 degrees, it will transform into PLSM and will also release 1 NEUT, 1 PHOT(colored red), and 1 particle of CO2. It will also generate 50 pressure and increase the surrounding temperature rapidly.
Description: "Smoke, created by fire."
Temp: 342.00
Smoke appears after "cold" combustion, when fire is cooled to a low temperature. Heats elements it comes into contact with and generates slight pressure. SMKE can be converted into oxygen when it comes into contact with PLNT.
Description: "Oxygen gas. Ignites easily."
Temp: 22.00
Highly combustible gas. Oxygen changes into Liquid Oxygen under -180.00 C or under high pressures (>100.00). At a high enough temperature, it will burn plasma instead of fire. Oxygen can be produced when SMKE or CO2 is absorbed by PLNT, simulating photosynthesis.
FUSION: When OXYG is exposed to high Newtonian Gravity, and maximum possible temperature and pressure, it will fuse into molten BMTL.
Note: In the real world, oxygen can't be ignited, it promotes combustion when in high concentrations. In fact, combustion is just a fast version of oxidation.
Carbon Dioxide
Description: "Carbon Dioxide. Heavy gas, drifts downwards. Carbonates water and turns into dry ice when cold."
Temp: 22.00
A heavy gas (as far as gasses go), slowly drifts downwards. Turns water into carbonated water. Forms Dry Ice at around -90 degrees. Puts out fire.
Is converted to OXYG when it comes in contact with PLNT.
FUSION: When CO2 is at 200 pressure and heated to 9,500 degrees, it will ignite in a large explosion, turning into PLSM and creating a shockwave of the maximum possible temperature and pressure in TPT. It will also release 1 NEUT, 1 ELEC, and 1 OXYG.
Caustic Gas
Description: "Caustic Gas, acts like ACID."
Temp: 22.00
Caustic gas, acts like acid. Added in version 63 beta. It will eat any particle ACID will. It creates heat while destroying particles. It doesn't trigger explosives unless the heat created by the reaction activates or ignites said explosive. Acid in contact with steam will turn the steam into caustic gas.
Description: "Fog, created when an electric current is passed through RIME."
Temp: -30.00 C
FOG is made by sending an electric current through RIME. After 100 frames of the production of the FOG from RIME, it reverts back to RIME, or when its life value reaches zero. FOG turns into WATR or WTRV when its Temp in degrees C is ⩾ 0.00, see WATR and WTRV for more information on which one forms from FOG in a particular situation. It is a gas and it moves like anti matter.
It can also be made when BOYL interacts with either WATR or OXYG. It used to be a hidden element before version 88.1.
Description: "Boyle, variable pressure gas. Expands when heated."
Temp: 24.00
Variable pressure gas. Heat to expand, cool to contract. non-flammable.
Makes FOG when mixed with WATR. Makes FOG and WATR when mixed with OXYG. When placed in a container with URAN will undergo a reaction in which the BOYL expands, creating pressure, causing URAN to heat up, causing BOYL to create pressure, etc.
Description: "Hydrogen. Combusts with oxygen to make WATR. Undergoes fusion at high temperatures and pressure."
Temp: 22.00
Hydrogen has the same effects as O2 but when it meets O2 and is set alight with FIRE it burns into Water vapor. Hydrogen also has no effect on pressure and can touch QRTZ at sub-zero temperatures.
FUSION: When HYGN is at 50 pressure and heated to 2,000 degrees, It will transform into PLSM and will release 1 NEUT, 1 PHOT(colored yellow), and generate either 1 or 2(random) particles of NBLE. It will also generate 50 pressure and raise the surrounding temperature a bit. NOTE: Neutron+Electron=Hydrogen, which means the process might self perpetuate (rare). PROT may also be produced as a side effect due to the HYGN+PHOT=PROT+ELEC reaction.
Fusion idea and process suggested by BoredInSchool and coded by jacob1.
Description: "Refrigerant. Heats up and liquifies under pressure."
Temp: 22.00
A light-blue gas that heats up when liquified under a pressure of 2 or greater, and cools down when evaporated under a pressure of 2 or less. It can be split by neutrons into CAUS and GAS. Can't be ignited.