New moderators

  • jacob1
    5th Feb 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    Thanks to everyone who applied to be a moderator. With the large amount of interest, this let us pick 3 new moderators. Having more mods will help us keep the community safe into the future, and not reliant on the schedules of the few remaining mods.

    So anyway, welcome @Denderth, @CCl2F2, and @catsoften to the mod team. They are all here to help, and will be moderating the game, forums, and Discord server.

    They have "Halfmod" status now, but this gives nearly full access to deal with any problems that arise.
  • NF
    6th Feb 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    I would of liked to have seen @Cracker1000 part of the staff. He has shown he can be a great moderator, this seems to be a slap in the face. To those who have shown to be qualified, not some fifteen year old who will possibly abuse their mod status. 


    This isn't attacking the decisions made here. However, age, maturity, and a rigorous amount of questions, etc. Should of been taken into account. I get most of the users who where definitely qualified are no longer active. Maybe it's fear saying this, but to put it lightly any fifteen year old and any user can answer multiple choice questions. 


    Again, not attacking. There should've been "training" to fit the qualifications to be a mod. It's like getting a Section Eight in the United States military, you don't just push them through and put them into the military. 


    You make sure they fit the status and pass basic training. If I am wrong here, then correct me.

    Edited 7 times by NF. Last: 6th Feb 2023
  • jacob1
    6th Feb 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    Ok I'm already regretting my decision to leave this unlocked for comments / congratulations / questions. I will lock this thread after this post.

    @NF (View Post)
    Posting a comment like this on @Cracker1000's behalf isn't appropriate in this situation. Compare it to like, that moment when Kanye interrupted Taylor Swift on stage. The decision on the new mods is final and it's not right to come here and try to change that after the fact. You'll notice that @Cracker1000 didn't leave a comment like that one on this thread, instead we discussed it privately.

    We got over 20 applications for the mod position. We picked the users who we felt were most qualified, who we had the most prior experience with, and had high enough maturity levels to meet the criteria. Obviously with age comes maturity and experience, but everyone is different, so we judged based on the quality of their answers and our interactions with them before. People who are young CAN be mature, and CCl2F2 had the most thorough answers out of any of the applicants. We didn't disqualify based on age, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't immediately dismiss a new moderator just because of their age either. I was 16 when I became a mod, and I know other mods were 15/16 also.

    Lastly, I already messaged @Cracker1000 today to say his application wasn't accepted. He acknowledged this. I won't go too far into the details here. I basically told him it's important for all mods to be on friendly terms. I was hoping he would accept he can still make valuable contributions to the community, through GitHub PRs / his status as a mod owner. While I know he didn't directly ask you to post this, it is a reflection of the reasons he wasn't picked.
Locked by jacob1: Inappropriate time and place for this discussion