Best improvements needed

  • Cracker1000
    27th Apr 2015 Member 2 Permalink
    So basically these are the things which accordig to me tpt must have:


    WIfi 2nd version(wif2)
    description:Same as wifi but can be used if all wifi channels are being used.And the most important thing,it can be indestructible from pressure.
    Uses:Allow us to use more electronics in a single save.Indestructible from pressure!
    Comment:I know we can portals but still they can't take place of wifi.
    2)Built in wiki.
    Uses:Offline,will help those who are new to tpt and wants quick info without net.
    3)Comment notification:
    Allows the user to notice save in which someone has just commented.
    4)Electric glow:(elgl)
    uses:When sparked with pscn,it glows in colour based on its temp.And with nscn gets deactivated.


    Parts detector(ptdt):
    A type of sensor or detector that sends spark to nearby elements if the parts of its ctype are greater than its tmp of tmp2.
    Uses:in reactions,reactors,gauges and many more.
    6)Better recordings and screen shots:
    It would be nice if recordings are saved in formats like mp3 or other simple formats.And if they arer saved in a separate folder so that it does not mix with tpt files.
    Comment:I know that these formats are chosen bcoz they are fast and acquire small size.If any one knows better way please tell me bcoz i don't know how to open these recordings.
    7)Permanent decorations:
    An option that disables others to remove deco from there saves.It would be very nice for some users


    Ability to restart TPT and to give titles for stamps would be cool and usefull (Ability to autoatcally restart would help after rescanning stamps!)
    I hope i will get positive replies :)
    Edited 3 times by cracker1000. Last: 7th May 2015
  • xetalim
    27th Apr 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Why can't portals replace wifi?

  • boxmein
    27th Apr 2015 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    1) Portals are perfectly viable as a wifi replacement.
    2) If you can bother writing either a HTML or wiki markup renderer, I'll write it :D
    3) Server feature. Sadly nope.
    4) so, lamps?
  • NF
    27th Apr 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    3)Comment notification:
    "Allows the user to notice save in which someone has just commented." Jacob1 wants this to happen in the future. 

    5) Forum notification:

     When ever a user replies to your post or thread.

    Edited 2 times by NUCLEAR_FOX. Last: 27th Apr 2015
  • Lord_Bowserinator
    28th Apr 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @cracker1000 (View Post)

    1. We have 100 channels and most people WANT their computers to be nukeable, so...

    2. Could be nice

    3. YAH!!!

    4. So liquid crystal, which is in the powered section? 


    2 and 3 are nice, but the rest are rather useless...

  • jacob1
    28th Apr 2015 Developer 2 Permalink
    As @NUCLEAR_FOX said, comment notifications is something I already want. I just need to figure out the best way to do it, since I can't edit the server to send the notifications.

    For extra wifi, I don't think we really need it. There are many other ways to make electronics and people rarely have a problem with running out of WIFI anymore. There is INST, portals, ARAY, and now CRAY/DRAY.

    A built in wiki would be better for a lua script, since there is no way to display it in the official game nicely (tons of wiki formatting to deal with)

    Also that element doesn't sound very useful, the only thing it does is look pretty. A lot of elements can be made to look pretty already ... but it would be extremely easy to code a lua script for it.
    Edit: I coded ELGL, you can get it using the script manager, or download it here:
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 27th Apr 2015
  • Factorial
    29th Apr 2015 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Cracker1000
    1st May 2015 Member 2 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    Portals can't take place of wifi bcoz you can't give multiple sprk to many prto from a single prti(needs many pixels) and prto need some free pixels to recieve anything.Also they are causes lag bcoz of there graphics.
  • thomasxin
    7th May 2015 Member 2 Permalink

    @cracker1000, True dat, and yes, portals generate pressure that can have small but serious impacts on other electronics. The WFI2 would be useful as a supplement, because CRAY/DRAY are slightly annoying to use, especially if you don't have the space to use such things.

    Edited once by thomasxin. Last: 7th May 2015
  • Cracker1000
    7th May 2015 Member 1 Permalink
    @thomasxin (View Post)
    Thanks for positive reply :)
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    We really need wifi2 for complex electronic saves and where is Simon? The last major update was from last


    & if you can provide latest compiled version (After 91.0.323) than it would be good.
    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 7th May 2015