I have downloaded the Powder Toy over a year and some things seem to bother me a lot.
First of all, the non user-friendly interface. It's simple but that doesn't make it user friendly. I hate mistakenly going through the Powders, Explosives,etc. all the time in order to pick a material that I need. Making something more user-friendly will definetely increse downloaders, creativity and ease in hundreds of sectors.
Secondly, memory and memory allocation. Like the worst problem of all. Let's just say you created a masterpiece and you delete something by mistake. By pressing CTRL+Z it will undo the erase. Now if you mistakenly click again before rolling back the changes...BOOM! Your work is lost. You're mad and then all your creativity is lost. You feel like recreating your masterpiece that took you so long is useless. You feel weak.
So, a lot will suggest login in and save your game frequently to prevent losing your work. Well, I say what if I'm somewhere where there's no internet connection. How can I save my work? I simply can't. What happened to the local saves?
Large screen/ Full screen Issues: I have a 21 intch, Full HD PC monitor. As you can imagine I can't see a thing. It takes effort to see better.
Thanks for your time. Awaiting opinions and other suggestion! :D
Let us not forget Toy--> FUN, Powder Toy--> Powder FUN so make it better!
You can save locally by holding "ctrl" and then clicking the save button. You can go into large screen mode (just makes it look larger, there's still the same amount of particles across) or fullscreen mode by clicking the checkmark in the bottom right corner.
You're not user-friendly.
"scale:2" Do you just assume that he will know what that means?..
He whines about advanced stuff, let him figure out what it is.
1: first of all, they made it that way to fit all the elements. 2. I agree with him, we should be allowed to go back more then just ONE TIME!!! 4. I can see everything fine. P.S. There's a zoom button. 5. Everybody, its obvious this guy is a noob. I mean seriously. Did he not see the thing that said "Hold ctrl to save saves locally to your computer" Did he not see tha? yeah i guess he didn't, but still, when i got back into powder toy, that was one of the first keyboard keys i found out about :P eh ill cut him so slack, but seriously a year and you dont know how to save local saves!? Also, what login?! You login when you make an account. When you go back on you are already on it! nice and convienent, dont even know what you are talking about. But i agree on the ctrl z thing. Not his ctrl z thing, but mine. Mods please reply! I really think that we should be able to press ctrl z more times, not make it stronger. So what he said is true. But then i lose all my work! Why doesnt ctrl z work two times!!!!??? I want it to work MORE than two times
"I agree with him, we should be allowed to go back more then just ONE TIME!!!" It's not that simple to make more possible undos...
PS. 1. 2. 4?
gosh, use paragraphs and stop the whining about control Z.
I think this guy's lying;he's got no saves and has posted only twice. And,man,the title...and the ending...
The interface is supposed to be minimal, and the issue you talked about can be easily taked care of.
And in my opinion, current zoom's just fine, a bit too fine even.
The logic of the last two...
Just save to a stamp or save often.Besides,more Ctrl+Zs will take more memory.
Ctrl+Save button
I don't think this is possible.
No.Complex to code,little incentive to code.
It'll take too much space,and you willl usually find a save on that element anyway somewhere.