Something has been bugging me about The Powder Toy, for solid particles it has no physics, if someone made a mod, i could have an iron pole or something, and it would fall but stay together, know what i mean? Is their anyone working on this?
Ok can you stop acting like an admin and why has it been rejected?
Moving solids would take too much work and was rejected many times. Also the fact it would take more power to process each from.
Also talking to everyone here, be nice and constructive. Don't automatically threaten and instead of saying it has been rejected, use the search bar, include a reaosn or two why it it. Demanding a direct and sure answer isn't something you should do, atleast say please?
Those are not moving solids. They are a nice experiment and are fun to watch, but not the 'moving solids' people want (not to mention terribly glitchy in every way).