@tudoreleuu(View Post) Have a look at some of these, and you can figure out how it is done by seeing weather PTCT or NTCT is used, or just NSCN/ PSCN, or a combination. (use these in combination with things like websites explaining them)
Primary gates: NOT gate is a system that has 1 input and 1 output If it has 1 on input, then it makes 0 on output If it has 0 on input, then it makes 1 on output
OR gate is a system that has 2 inputs and 1 output If it has 1 on any input, then it makes 1 on output else it makes 0 on output
AND gate is a system that has 2 inputs and 1 output If it has 1 on BOTH inputs, then it makes 1 on output else it makes 0 on output
XOR gate is a system thata has 2 inputs and 1 output If it has 1 on ONLY ONE(not both) of inputs it makes 1 on output else it makes 0 on output
Secondary gates: NOR gate is a system that has 2 inputs and 1 output If it has 1 on any input, then it makes 0 on output else it makes 1 on output
NAND gate is a system that has 2 inputs and 1 output If it has 1 on BOTH inputs, then it makes 0 on output else it makes 1 on output
XNOR gate (or NXOR gate) is a system thata has 2 inputs and 1 output If it has 1 on ONLY ONE(not both) of inputs it makes 0 on output else it makes 1 on output