Welcome to the Brotherhood of Saves Conversation Thread
Purpose for thread: Recruiting and general chat.
Purpose for Group: This group's purpose is primarily to give underdogs the spotlight, and give deserving saves attention. Within the Brotherhood of Saves, there is a general concensus to never vote down any members saves. Either abstain or vote up. Further than this, members agree to put effort forth to view other members creations, and add suggestions or praise. Each week (on either Sat. or Sun.) there will be a spotlight save, from one of the members, which all members will view, vote up or abstain and give suggestions/comments. All members agree to uphold the cliche mother's proverb: "If what you have to say isn't nice, don't say anything" Everyone is welcome to vote for a Weekly Save as well. If there is significant evidence that you are a troll you will be kicked. (Both virtually, and if I ever meet you in person :-) The entire group is based on honesty and integrity, and will fall apart as soon as those fail! Please do not break the rules!
If they are not on the list, they are abusing the "brotherhood" tag. Please avoid these, and yes you are allowed to red vote them. If they are pending, simply note that they are not yet a member.
Organizers help with organizing. Head Organizer helps organize the Organizers.
To those who didn't win, you will have a chance next week! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----Brotherhood of Saves Logo---- ((Updated March 5)) Logo Submission: (Completed) Logo Nominations: (Completed) Logo Voting: (Completed)
The logo has been determined! Dragonfree97's logo will be the official logo of the group! If you want a save to be recognized by the brotherhood, please add this logo to your saves. You may add alternative logos if you choose, but keep in mind, Dragonfree97's is the official logo. It is strongly recommended to use his, if you use a logo. Regardless if you do use the logo or not, please continue to use the "brotherhood" tag. Thank you, and congratulations to Dragonfree97!
---- Talents: Anyone with a particular skill in creating (must be proved), may suggest themselves here to offer their services to other members. (Essentially a clone of "Creations" but for our group.) If you are marked here, you will take the position of helping out other members in the areas of your skills.
Please search for "Brotherhood" to find these members saves!
City Building: snowfire777 Fast-Driver
Nuke Building: indicator34(pending)
Art Building: SupremeSamurai -(Guns) snowfire777 -(Logos and Pixel) TheRazorsEdge -(Weapons) devino (Logos) -UBeR--TimeX (Logos) cctvdude99 (aircraft)
Other things to note: Thanks for all considerations and to prospective members.
-Organizer positions are currently filled.- (Organizer's will help me by picking the Weekly Save when I am unable, and addressing questions and problems when I am unable.)
Member snowfire777 is recruiting for Grim Ops, a group that aims to cooperatively design a frontpage worthy creation. He'd like "considerable or at least 15 votes" posted.
I wanted to let everyone know that it would be wise to never allow someone to voteup a work of yours using your I.P. address, or wifi. Even amongst your family. Ours lost everything, and Simon must standby his choice. I have been informed that 'It'll never happen.' (Unbanning)
PLEASE ADD "BROTHERHOOD" AS A TAG TO YOUR CREATIONS! This makes it much easier to find creations of members!
PLEASE DON'T "SPAM." We've been locked because of that, which is entirely unfair to the majority of the group. Garretemo, you are welcome to give us all an "I told you so."
Thanks guys. I put up a request the previous thread. We'll see if that gets us anywhere, but otherwise consider this the official thread, temporary or permanent!
@_-_David_-_ Added you. Please read up on the purpose and the rest of the rule post. Thanks for joining!