How to download version 97.0?

  • clocknene
    29th March Member 0 Permalink

    On my computer version 98.0 has a 20 fps drop from 97.0. Is there a way to download the old version? It would be very helpful

  • Simon
    29th March Administrator 0 Permalink

    You can find the previous versions of the game under "Older" after clicking the "Other Platforms" link on the download page.


    v97.0 builds can be found here: You'll have to figure out which download is for your platform though, it's likely just you want.


    If you are having performance issues with the latest build, it would be good to know what hardware and operating system you're running on.


    Edited once by Simon. Last: 29th March
  • BlivetWidget
    29th March Member 0 Permalink

    I'm not the original poster, but I would like to chime in that I also see a massive reported FPS drop in v98.0 (I say "reported" FPS drop because I have not evaluated FPS independently of the reported number - if the old or new displayed number is wrong, I wouldn't know ¯\_(-_-)_/¯).


    On a simple case airflow model made more intensive through liberal application of streamers, I get an FPS of about 44 on v0.97 and about 25 on v0.98 - this is apples to apples, identical simulations, just different Powder Toy versions.  Resting FPS (before activating fans) is at the cap of 60 in both cases.


    A snapshot to give an idea of what we're working with.  Basically a couple of fans and a bunch of streamers.


    Windows 11, CPU is an AMD 7800x3D.  Further details at


    I suspect there has been a tighter limit placed on CPU usage.  v0.97 used enough CPU to raise the temperature and increase fan speed.  Not maxed out, but noticeable.  v0.98 barely uses any CPU and never causes my CPU fans to speed up.  A 7800x3D should have no problem running this model at 60 FPS for either version, so clearly something is limiting usage and it seems that limit has been tightened with the new version.


    In short, the performance issues of v0.98 are not a result of the hardware struggling to run the software, but rather appear to be the software not making good use of the hardware, more so than v0.97


    Edited 4 times by BlivetWidget. Last: 30th March
  • LBPHacker
    30th March Developer 1 Permalink
    Those with access to a github account, please log in and try the artifact named powder-v98.0.363-x86_64-windows-mingw.exe in this ghactions run. As far as we can tell, the performance regression of the msvc build (also available on that page) isn't reflected by the mingw build.
  • BlivetWidget
    30th March Member 0 Permalink

    @LBPHacker thanks for that!  I can happily confirm the mingw executable gives performance approximately on par with v0.97, as I'm getting 47 FPS on my above simulation with powder-v98.0.363-x86_64-windows-mingw.exe. I would recommend making that version the one that available on the main site download page.


    So, that addresses the specific issue that OP brought up, but I think it would still be worth investigating the low CPU usage.  47 FPS is a massive improvement over the released v0.98 (and even a slight improvement over v0.97) but I see no reason this shouldn't be running at the full 60 FPS.  I am nowhere near hardware-bound; indeed, taskmanager shows powder.exe (in the 47 FPS scenario) loading the CPU at 8-10%.  (I guess I should double check with you; this game runs only on the CPU right?  In any case my RTX 4090 is not limiting us on the GPU end, but I want to make sure I am reporting useful information).

    Edited once by BlivetWidget. Last: 30th March
  • LBPHacker
    30th March Developer 0 Permalink
    In short: this is a CPU-only single-threaded falling sand game from 15 years ago, with no sensible upgrade path to multi-threading or massively parallel GPU simulation. Abysmal horizontal scaling is expected behaviour.
  • jacob1
    30th March Developer 1 Permalink
    For anyone without a GitHub account, here's a different download link:

    We'll be investigating the performance issue, but if the mingw build is faster than even what 97.0 had, it will replace the msvc version.
  • BlivetWidget
    30th March Member 0 Permalink

    @LBPHacker Well in any case, I appreciate your reply with a build that restores us to full use of that single thread again =)

    Edited 2 times by BlivetWidget. Last: 30th March
  • BlivetWidget
    2nd April Member 0 Permalink

    Unfortunately the main download page for the new v0.98.2 is still the slow version.  The mingw-compiled version of v0.98.2 works as expected, though.

  • jacob1
    2nd April Developer 0 Permalink
    @BlivetWidget (View Post)
    Yes, we haven't had time to properly investigate yet. Partly because of the april fool's joke, but it wouldn't have been ready by now anyway.

    For now, keep using the mingw version.