I just found out my copy and paste got fixed, all of my files was back but I had to restart my mobile. After I came back to Powder Toy and clicked my stamp it said "Error loading stamp" so I rescaned my stamp and it didn't help at all. I lost everything again :/ I only have 3 files left from rescaning 2020 = Unluckiest year
Edited 2 times by MUI_Son_Goku. Last: 4th Jun 2020
If you get "error loading stamp" then that means the stamp doesn't exist. There is nothing you can do to bring it back.
It's possible Android had a backup of stamps.def that it restored (this contains the names of all your stamps), but it didn't restore the stamps themselves, leaving you with a bunch of "Error loading stamp" things.
@jacob1(View Post) I guess I might've deleted the files before (cuz I didn't know it would literally delete them in game) and never played Powder Toy for months. (Cuz I had an error where my stamps were blank and wasn't able to save stamps (well I did leave before deleting the files))
I swear I saw my stamps and I was able to paste them before restarting ;-;
Thank you for telling me this and will never do it again (cuz I am an idot)