Changing my Profile Pic

  • CoreMax
    27th Apr 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    Hi. I've changed my profile pic once, but now I want to change it again. I uploaded it to the powder toy but they said I need to use "Gravitar". So I used it. I signed up to "GRAVITAR", got an account and changed my gravitar. Nothing. Nothing happened. I went back to TPT to see if my avitar had changed.

    So in simpler words, I can't change my avitar.


    So what did I do wrong? I need help.

    Edited once by CoreMax. Last: 15th Aug 2023
    27th Apr 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jacob1
    28th Apr 2020 Developer 1 Permalink
    Try shift+refresh on the page, that will cause it to reload the image usually.

    But if you uploaded an avatar, it won't use gravatar. It will use your previously uploaded image. You don't need to use gravatar if you upload it through TPT, and shouldn't.
  • CoreMax
    10th May 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    Thanks. It worked

    Edited once by CoreMax. Last: 15th Aug 2023
  • TheCombustionChamber
    22nd Feb 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok sorry for spamming "Hello".

    Also I'm talking about avatar in the TPT game and that hasn't changed.

    Edited 3 times by TheCombustionChamber. Last: 22nd Feb 2022
  • jacob1
    22nd Feb 2022 Developer 1 Permalink
    @TheCombustionChamber (View Post)
    Your profile pic has already changed. Please shift+refresh in your browser to see it in effect

    Also, do not spam the forums with low quality posts simply saying "Hello". You can create a thread if you'd like, but don't find very old forum posts and bump them with off topic info, it's bad etiquette.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 22nd Feb 2022
  • 008cff
    15th January Member 0 Permalink

    does it take some time like a day or something if you don't use gravatar? cause i checker on tpt app and it din't change after like 3 pfp updates, even with app reload and ctrl+r or shift+r

    nvm already changed in game, but on site it shows the old pfp, i think u need to wait some time

    Edited once by 008cff. Last: 15th January
  • jacob1
    15th January Developer 1 Permalink
    @008cff (View Post)
    You need to hold shift and click the refresh button in your browser to refresh your profile pic.