i'll list four elements that i think would fit the game nicely, and three changes.
alright starting off with the first element, i know it's probably been requested already but a sticky flamable like napalm as an example, in the liquids or explosibes category, we do need more liquids that burn slowly, and DESL is not really great because sometimes it doesn't even ignite, and gas just instantly combusts and explodes, that goes for the rest of the liquids that are flamable, they are either hard, or just instantly combust upon touching fire, a sort of sticky flamable liquid that burns slowly, like alcohol gel maybe? or napalm.
second element is, a powder actually, powdered diamond, indestructable but in powder form, how will this be useful? well, currently, diamond is the only indestructable thing, asside from antimatter, and or singularity, im not sure, but diamond being solid, makes it more or less useless at, im not sure like, imagine you just want to make something not explode upon contact with BOMB or DEST, that's were the powder diamond comes, just spray it on top of it, i know you can always just cover it normally but, it's interesting to have a powder diamond, plus, diamonds come almost in a powder like form, so it makes sense.
third element is a radioactive element, the game has the basics of it, so im suggesting another basic one, we don't have actual radiation tho, so im suggesting, that, not sure of the name for it, but something that emitts protons, at about 600 degrees, how about, Promethium, yes that mythological element they discovered that a star literally mass produces it, and has on earth too, like very little of it, but adding promethium as a radioactive material is a nice addition, idk like, shoots protons or electrons, or maybe it shoots actual radiation which is one of the changes im gonna talk about.
fourth and last element is helium, im not sure why its not in the game yet, really it's such a nice idea, a very light gas that shoots in the air very fast, that can be used in functional elevators, pushing things upwards, many things could be done with helium, its simple and easy to code it too im sure.
now for the changes.
first change is that metals resist DEST, at least titanum or armor, placing a layer of concrete or GEL is not really practical to make metals resistant to DEST to a degree, plus, it would make builders able to construct tanks, bunkers and all of that stuff, a lot easier.
second change is radiation, it might be complicated but right now, radioactive materials shoot neutrons, exot and photons, ISOZ has literal no use, so adding actual radiation in at least one way or the other would help it become more useful, plus, Uranium would be too, aside from a really good heater.
third change is that, shooting protons, electrons and neutrons at eachother should sometimes create some random elements, just a small addition that would make sense to exist in the game.
alright, fourth change, diamond is unbreakable right? why not make it block pressure too? it seems a bit obvious really, its a very strong material that can sustain huge amounts of pressure.
now, that's all really, sorry if some seem out of place or just stupid, just some things i wish i saw in the game, thanks for reading! and have a good night/day! and staff team! keep up the good work! you people are awesome!
first off...WOW YOU!
i'm glad you responded to me, and i see you have good and valid points on why some things should'nt be added, and now reading from your perspective, a developer one, i see yes, most of what i said doesn't make much sense besides more radioactive stuff and the slow burning liquid, i didn't knew about that ability of proton, i might test it myself, i just need to make a particle collider, easy stuff really, might even upload it sometime.
but well, damn, about Helium, well i mean, working elevators, if stuff didn't just fell through helium, you could theoretically make an elevator, making helium move up and bring stuff up with it, but eh, maybe it wasn't that much of a good idea anyways, but well one change i suggest now looking at it, is making the normal CLNE indestructable, i know you said you weren't gonna do it, but, having my CLNE break when i use SING or AMTR is a bit annoying, besides some cool reactors can be made with SING, functioning black holes too that use actual singularity, just a little thing i wish was in the game for a long while, the CLNE to actually not implode itself out of existance when it touches AMTR or SING.
The game needs to have more destructible building materials.
A vent/vacuum would be useful if there was a variant that could be destroyed by heat or fire. It would be useful so that if you are making something that you want to be destructible, the vents won't be leftover if it is destroyed.
Another thing that would be useful is a fuel that will only burn at a specific temperature threshold. If you were to make an engine model that runs off of gas, oil, or diesel, the fuel would burn back into its tank. if there was a fuel that only combusted at a certain temprature, and not beause of contact with fire, it would be incredibly useful.
I Had An Idea That Could Make A Good Partner To LOXY. How About LHYD? Liquid Hydrogen. Perhaps When Liquid Hydrogen Hits Liquid Oxygen, They Could Make Heat And Fire Production/Air Expansion Vastly More Powerful Than Gaseous Oxygen And Hydrogen Reactions, Maybe 3x more fire and expansion, and heat in the high 1000s Or Low 2000s Of Celsius. I Got this idea while making a hydrogen rocket engine, just as a note
Edit: Also maybe A Wall That Allows Everything When Electrified, But Blocks Everything When Not Supplied Electricity. Like An Electric Valve
Edit: *Material, Since Walls Have Have Too Big Minimum Size For Microengines
@Vodkiller762 (View Post)
A liquid that burns slowly could be cool. I've been thinking of adding more elements into TPT 96.0, haven't figured out what yet, but if it's a basic property that hasn't been seen yet, nice!
Unlikely we will ever add another indestructible element, because DMND is hardcoded in the source code of many elements and I don't want to adjust that or add extra checks all over.
The EQVE @INFINITY-BOI mentioned has nothing to do with diamond, and is no more indestructible than DUST besides not burning.
The radioactive elements right now are lacking. We did add POLO, but some of the others could use some adjustments ...
NBLE is supposed to be helium. I have no idea how this suggestion would enable elevators to be created. We could add a faster moving gas, but many gases already move quickly.
Nothing will resist DEST, it's intended to be an OP element that breaks everything.
Existing elements aren't going to start spawning existing energy particles, because that would break too many things and cause unintended reactions in saves (energy particles have reactions with a lot of elements)
Shooting protons very quickly at each other already creates new elements, simulating fusion. See my save on it here: id:1355332
TTAN and some walls block pressure. I'm not going to make diamond block pressure because that could break saves.
Feel free to respond to any of my feedback :). Not a bad list of suggestions. Unclear how much will actually be done, but these are the types of suggestion threads I like.
Add elements from snapshots
Personally, I ant something like Chlorine Trifluoride
Changing anything about elements will mess up many saves.
Napalm would be very fun to use, especially in bombs. It could be sticky like GEL and burn very slowly. I would suggest making it so napalm doesn't burn when there is no empty space around it, this will be useful for making bombs that don't explode right away when the save is unpaused. I guess the stickiness and the burny-ness of napalm could be changed with properties like tmp and tmp2.
You suggested a change (3rd change) where colliding subatomic particles (prot, elec, neut) would create "random elements". I don't think this will ever be added. Imagine making some nuclear thing and it accidentally creates DEST, SING, GBMB or BOMB when particles collide.