WIFI isn't doing anything.

  • tornados
    9th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Just recently I got back in to TPT and am currently trying to develop a DEUT reactor; however, I can't set anything up because the WIFI refuses to send a spark to any other WIFI with the same tempurature. It doesn't even display the little grey line when I mouse over. Yes, they are the exact same tempurature. Yes, I am trying to use a NSCN wire.



  • jacob1
    9th Sep 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    Some display modes don't have the wifi lines. I recommend fire mode ('4') and they should show up.

    If they do show up, maybe you're using the wrong elements to conduct / receive spark. the wiki shows the restrictions:
    "When a particle of WiFi is sparked by any material except NSCN, all WIFIs on that channel will output SPRK to any PSCN, NSCN and INWR that are touching the WIFI particle. "

    So NSCN as a conductor to WIFI doesn't work, that may be your problem.
  • tornados
    9th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    I always use fire mode unless told to use another form in a save, so that's still unsolved -- but upon using PSCN, it began working again.


    I remember using METL to make WIFI buttons in my previous stuff -- was this changed to be impossible in an update?

  • jacob1
    9th Sep 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @tornados (View Post)
    METL still conducts to WIFI. It just doesn't receive from WIFI, only PSCN/NSCN/INWR receive from wifi.

    WIFI conduction rules have never changed since its inception.
  • Cracker1000
    9th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @tornados (View Post)

     Those wifi lines only show up when in debug mode iirc.

    Press D to toggle debug hud.

    Also Use conductors other than NSCN to send a sprk from wifi to other wifi on same channel.