Amount selection and Pressure effects

  • Edza
    13th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Hi. Cool software but is there option or mod to include selecting material amounts to use in simulation like for example in grams or kilograms and|or option to turn on visible pressure effect on different materials outside heat. Like in real life if you explode some explosive like TNT or fire GAS inside glass structure or iron container for example it would blow it to pieces before it gets hot but in TPT it just gets heated and then melts..

  • Cracker1000
    13th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I once suggested the idea of limiting the element parts a user can use.Like user customisable parts.

    Anyway there is this alechemy mod that's slightly close to what you want.Use the link given below.


    Also you can alwats use the find mode to count how much parts of particular element are present currently in the simulation window.Use CTRL + F to turn it on.

    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 13th Jan 2019
  • Edza
    13th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks for Ctrl+F but that zip file contains The Powder Toy version with less features than original. Also what about pressure thing?

  • Cracker1000
    13th Jan 2019 Member 2 Permalink

    @Edza (View Post)

     That is a mod based on very old version of tpt so it doesn't have much features from new tpt.Also not sure what do you mean by "the pressure thing" but glass does explode in tpt, try burning some oil contained in a box made out of glass.

    You can always turn on newtonian gravity by clicking on the N buttton in top right corner or press CTRL+N, to make it a bit more realistic.

  • Edza
    13th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I tried multiple explosion scenarious but that is still unrealistic pressure effect. Go for example YouTube and check "The Slow Mo Guys" channel and see how actual explosions look like. It literally tears stuff to shreds when explosive filling caughts on fire and i tried even put big amounts of all explosive substances into tiny glass and other weak structure circle|cube but still only heat damage not pressure damage. Not sure how to explain it aswell apart from saying looking into youtube videos about what happens to stuff under pressure.

  • Cracker1000
    13th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Edza (View Post)

     Don't forget tpt isn't meant to simulate real life things.It's just not realistic.

    So what things look like in slowmo guy's channel , they won't work in same fashion in tpt.

    If tpt was made keeping realism in mind stone wouldn't fly faster than photons,portals and black holes wouldn't exist  and Infinite energies won't just work.

  • jacob1
    13th Jan 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Edza (View Post)
    iron and other solid containers don't explode to pieces in TPT because TPT is a particle physics simulator, not a rigid body simulator. It can only simulate individual particles, a holding container of any kind of gas could never explode. This is just a design choice made when TPT was first created. So pressure doesn't break most solid elements for this reason (besides things like GLAS that turn into broken powders), but we still have melting points on almost all metals because that is a realistic feature we can support.
    You'll find that explosions do actually look pretty realistic. The pressure simulation in TPT is pretty good. We just don't have a mechanism for solid objects to break into smaller solid pieces.

    Your suggestion for measuring in grams / kilograms doesn't make much sense to me in the context of TPT. I'm not sure what you are asking for.

    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    The physics are intended to be realistic. Just some elements aren't like portals. I don't like the implication that TPT wasn't created with realism in mind. Because it definitely was.

    Also that TPT-Alchemy mod is unrelated to the suggestion here. It doesn't change the physics of TPT in any way.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 13th Jan 2019
  • Cracker1000
    13th Jan 2019 Member 2 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Well yes , that mod doesn't relate to the suggestion here but it's the only way an user can be restricted from using elements if not parts.

    Also you are  correct, most of pbysics in game do work very well and i appreciate the effort but still i won't be suggesting tpt to anyone who uses it to study how things in real life work.

    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 13th Jan 2019
  • coryman
    13th Jan 2019 Member 1 Permalink

    The Realistic Physics mod (the thread for which has been a bit buried) adds easier layering to make stronger explosives, and makes most/all solids have a broken form. It won't give you the Slow Mo Guys effect of pieces of shrapnel breaking off, but it will make most materials act like TPT GLAS or BMTL at least.
    If you want to play vanilla- I'd recommend layering about 5 layers of C-5 (or 2 and 3 of TNT) to make an explosive that produces more pressure

  • Edza
    14th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink


     Don't forget tpt isn't meant to simulate real life things.It's just not realistic.

    So what things look like in slowmo guy's channel , they won't work in same fashion in tpt.

    If tpt was made keeping realism in mind stone wouldn't fly faster than photons,portals and black holes wouldn't exist  and Infinite energies won't just work.


    I'm aware but it should be realistic because other stuff like heat, gravity etc. is realistic! Why not create turnable On|Off button for pressure aswell? The Powder Toy is not far from 100% simulator of everything available in it for selection anyway. Would be nice addition to simulator software list for PC.


    Have you played Grand Theft Auto or other sandbox games for example? Both options are great for different mood of day - sometimes just having fun is enough but sometimes having also option to experiment with realism or imagining like it would be real life and wrecking chaos based on realism is cool too.


    Live For Speed is like Need For Speed with physics or Gran Turismo and people still enjoy all types.



    Your suggestion for measuring in grams / kilograms doesn't make much sense to me in the context of TPT. I'm not sure what you are asking for.
    It was just idea to at least select amounts of available elements then simulate how they interact with each other if property of amount could be selectable or edit'able property. Like how 1kg of water interacts with 20 kg of other element then what happens when heat it up etc. Same goes for battery - like selecting voltage for example..basicaly what i am saying even if TPT is particle simulation not rigid body simulator it can still be turned into epic awesomeness.
    Edited 3 times by Edza. Last: 14th Jan 2019