So I have had this issue lately;
Someone is systematically downvoting all my saves. Now at first it was just 1 person, but now about two or three accounts have viewed all of mysaves and dropped the ratings. I'm a small user and don't get any views, so it has caused most of my creations to plummit. It's really frustrating as I don't know who these people are.
I have no intentionally offensive saves, and while I may have broken the comment rules once or twice, it has been nothing serious and I've never been disiplined for it. I do not attempt to make enemies or be offensive, although I have anger issues and so may get a little salty from time to time.
I don't know how to directly contact a moderator, so if you are a mod or know how to get one please do something.
Thankyou for your attention and for bringing me this fun sandbox game.
Try pm'ing a mod.If you don't know how to use this link
I suggest not to take name of any user here unless you are sure and plz follow the comment rules.
I hope it helps.
Sadly, the two or three people doing this aren't commenting or anything. Maybe give you the option to view who downvoted you saves? Then you could report this trend. Although this has issues, such as maybe some people will give hate to their downvoters.
Anyways, my best saves are still going strong so thats ok. Thanks for the help, and good luck on finding a way around haters.
This the reason why you can't see who downvoted your saves.It will just increase hate among users.
Anyway mods can see and find out who is mass voting your saves.
This is also happens to me too, and i'm unpopular user too.
R.I.P The Powder Toy 2009-2015