So I downloaded the newest update for the Powder Toy (5th of Sep). Then, it crashed, and it refused to open again saying "Please contact the developers to see if this is working for Mac OS X (Yosemite, I'm running). It said to delete it and run it again. It still doesn't work. If anybody has any kind of way to fix this or some knowledge about this, please help.
I got it working again. It just that I need the original disk image/driver on my desktop other wise it won't work. It didn't need it before but for some reason, it needs it now. Anyways, I'm completely fine with it now. Thanks for your help.
So I downloaded 92.3 and I loaded it and all. But now when I open the application it says, "ERROR. Details: Memory write/read error. An unrecoverable error has occurred, please report this error to (insert the link of this page). I think it might be the 92.1, 92.2 and 92.3 clashing, but I'm not certain. Help appreciated/
Yeah, the first one works as well as the second one.