Same authors on front page

  • Solace
    14th Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    It's starting to be real obnoxious having the same author on front page. Why are there usually two or three saves made by the same author on front page? Better yet, it's usually the same authors per week that inhabit the front page. I'd enjoy seeing something new by someone new, but almost everyone who gains front page stays on front page because of a new save of theirs. That's not even fair for some new users with epic saves. If i make a save that's better than what LBPHacker makes, won't ever happen, I likely won't get FP because he's almost always one it. Te we also have the frequent FP users who keep pretty much all newbies from ever getting front page. 


    Is it at all possible to change that? An author can only have one save on front page. That, and an author can only get front page once a week. By that margin, that's 105 new saves on FP. New saves made by new users who've never made it before. There are countless saves out there better than most that don't make it. 


    I'd just like to see a change in how the FP works that makes New users who makes epic things, stay on TPT and continue to wow us all. 

  • cxi
    14th Jul 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • jacob1
    14th Jul 2016 Developer 4 Permalink
    Is this really a problem? If a single user is actually taking up 4-5 slots we will probably do something, but that almost never happens. Users who consistently make good saves often get FP, because people know their saves are high quality.

    That computer by LBPHacker is amazing, if I had the time I'd definitely write some programs for it. It's incredibly fast. It would be nice if it had some kind of input though, I don't think it does but i've done very little investigation. Edit: There is a version with a full keyboard yay

    I think right now high quality saves are getting front page very often, and the perception that specific users are making not the best quality saves and still get front page just isn't true. I see a lot of new users / unique concepts on front page a lot, it doesn't really matter who makes the saves.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 14th Jul 2016
  • NorthMustang
    14th Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I can't believe Jacob said what he did about doing something when one author takes up 4-5 slots on the front page! Even if saves of a single author filled the entire front page they are there because of the people... With all due respect, be a good sport about it. Now if that did happen I would question whether or not they just made a few different accounts and voted up their own saves... Especially if the saves are poorly made.

  • jacob2
    14th Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    @NorthMustang (View Post)
    It's really only happened a handful of times, and the removed ones are usually lower quality that were upvoted over hype for some new concept/the author. One author isn't going to suddenly publish 5+ saves that are of better quality than every single other save.
  • NorthMustang
    15th Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     It could happen, and in the even it does will you really rob someone of what's rightfully theirs... Really?!

  • jacob1
    15th Jul 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    @NorthMustang (View Post)
    The situation you described has never happened before. Stop making assumptions about what I would do.

    Lets make a compromise. If it does happen, I won't demote them unless you were the author with 5 saves on there :)
  • Sandwichlizard
    15th Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Promotion is the key.  you cant just save it once and hope it gets there.  that happens sometimes but you usually need to keep reuploading as often as possible (3 hour min cooldown to get a save to the top of the BY DATE page) to get the votes to put it up.  also when you publish a save you have been working on for days it is too old.  save it as a fresh name at the same time you publish the save.  that will give it the best possible chances.

  • NorthMustang
    15th Jul 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    So what if someone like me where to, instead of uploading their saves, stamp their creations, go and in a matter of minutes stamp and upload the best saves ever to grace the pages of TPT, and then have people go insane over them and vote them all to the front page? I'm probably not going to be able to do that, but that's one way a single author could fill the front page...

    JACOB!!!! "Stop making assumtions about what I would do." Eat your words Jacob... "If a single user is actually taking up 4-5 slots we will probably do something." Chew them over and over again.

    Edited 3 times by NorthMustang. Last: 15th Jul 2016