Hello, Ive create a similar post a few months back but this issue is still pressent. After im trying to exit TPT in fullscreen mode using esc and press on ok. My screen stays black. It looks like my pc freeze up or something, I cant do anything anymore, Its also not possible to acces task manager, using alt +f4 hotkey, Just noting works. The only solution so far is to restart my pc... Ive played TPT for a long time without any issues and suddently this happens. since then im unable to play.
Please some help with this or some opinions what might causing this.
Im using windows 7 everthing is up to date.
Exiting fullscreen mode inside the game, I havent tryed that yet ill. Im going to test that now.
Allright, Switching between fullscreen mode and large screen mode seems to work fine. Ive switched 20x between those two and it works. After the test id tryed to exit the entire game inside fullscreen mode.. and I had to restart my pc again so you can guess what happend hehe. For now I will just switch back to large screen mode before exiting the game.
I also have eeexactly the same problem (but only sometimes, rarely) Fullscreen and large screen on and using windows 10.
To avoid this problem just press the window button and right click tpt and then close. (For now til an update comes out)