New suggestive ideas

  • Cracker1000
    13th Jan 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    So here are some new and fresh ideas that i would like to share.

    1)Fuel wall: A new wall in which any explosive or inflammable material can be stored.It will not catch fire bcoz wall will prevent enrty of fire or plasma or spark but rest all other elements.I hope it will be a good replacement for Fan wall function which served this purpose till version 90.2.

    2)real life wires(RlFW):Allows a set no of sparks to go through it and and its based on tmp2 which increases by pscn and decreased bu scn or discharge of sprk.

    3) Stamps arranged in aplhabetical order also: so it can be an another option which will allow us to name the stamps and arrange them on either basis of new stamp first or otherwise in alphabetical order.

    Please share your opinions.
    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 13th Jan 2016
  • Omega29
    13th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    P.S.  I think this belongs in the Feedback Forum


    Fuel Wall - Very interesting concept. Would be good for Any powered bombs or any power requiring devices.


    RIFW - It's similar to my element, STCD [Preparing Link]


    Stamps - That would be really good, and I have nearly like, two hundred stamps at many and an alphabetical order would be good for arranging electronic parts.


    Overall : Good Idea, 9/10

  • Qwert_Yuiop
    13th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm sorry but...


    "suggestive ideas" lol

  • Cracker1000
    13th Jan 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    Thanks omega. I think Fuel wall is really needed.Jacob1 please reply if you are active. Also the new find element shortcut is awesome jacob1.
    A very important bug found while flood filling deco in zoom enabled the deco fills only the area enclosed within the zoom square and rests gets unaffected try it and please reply.....
    Edited 2 times by cracker1000. Last: 13th Jan 2016
  • jacob1
    14th Jan 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    1) Meh, I knew people would be annoyed if I fixed the glitch where fire didn't burn inside of walls. Maybe I could add an exception for ehole? I thought I did already actually, apparently not.

    2) A long time ago I was about to add lithium, which would act like a lithium (rechargeable) battery. Sounds similar, Lithium has more interesting other reactions though.

    3) Stamps do need some work but I don't really like working with tpt++'s stamp browser. Maybe someday.

    decoflood) I responded to that on the TPT Snapshots thread yesterday. You didn't have to post it everywhere :P
  • Omega29
    15th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @CeeJayBee (View Post) lol I heard enough


    @jacob1 (View Post) I would be very excited for Lithium. Basically you could like set NTCT and PTCT to set it's recharge to full or null.