Hi gais...
I want to get started with electronics in TPT, and my first project I think will be an electronic counter, and maybe a display in future. I have taken a look at a few saves and have a few ideas. However, I am wondering how people match up WIFIs so perfectly. One would assume copy and pasting but TPT kinda derps out when copying a single pixel and instead pastes 1 pixel + 3 air pixels. So I'm wondering, do they painstakingly heat and cool each WIFI individually to match them up, or do they have a trick up their sleeve?
Thanks, Connor!
Thanks a lot!
They ae 100 apart, not 100k >_> The max temp in the game is 10000 (10000-273.15 so that we have negatives :P)
here is my tutorial on how to program wifi. id:1598759
there is a link in that save to my electronics and logic save. from there you can find other electronics tutorial saves.
happy building!