• mattieshdow
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    This is not a Troll But I dont know how to open my Powder Folder To Install Mods I Looked how To Install Them Ik How But Idk How To Open My Folder I Use a Windows 1.8.1 If you Could Please Help I Would Appreciate



                                                                      Thank You For Your Time!

  • jacob1
    9th Nov 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    There's supposed to be a button in game to do this but it's broken on windows. What type of mods are you installing? Lua scripts? Or actual c++ downloaded mods like mine.

    Mods you find in the mods/ subform can actually be placed anywhere. Mods to this game are entirely standalone, and don't modify the TPT you have now. Just put it on your desktop, or in a folder on your desktop or something.
  • mattieshdow
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh so your saying i can only have one mod at a time? Or can i still have multiple just not for windows? ETC.

    Oh and i downloaded your mod jacob1.

    Im getting The Powder-RScience-2.3.3 mod if you have any more questions please post :) thank you!

    Edited 2 times by mattieshdow. Last: 9th Nov 2014
  • jward212
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    C++ mods are applications so they can only be run by them selves whlie lua scripts can be run with many other scripts providing they are compatible with each other...

  • mattieshdow
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    So i have to open the application?

    Or what can i do? Can anyone give me a set of directions? im just a modder for minecraft but im trying new games like powder toy.

  • jacob1
    9th Nov 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    You can have as many mods as you want. Mods in tpt are just .exe files that you run. You put them wherever and launch them like any other game, just double click the .exe file ...
  • mattieshdow
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    But then how do you mix them? like directions. like first. open your folder by going ingame and clicking a sirtan button. then dragon the mod into it


  • jacob1
    9th Nov 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    TPT isn't like other games, mods don't modify anything or mix together in any way. Stop thinking like minecraft :P

    There is another form of mods that are harder to use but do allow mixing though. The mods in the lua section:

    Maybe if you can figure out how to download this you can download some scripts with new elements.
  • mattieshdow
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok So Lua Allows you to mix? or it doesnt and then the How can i mix these?

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    You can't mix Lua scripts. You can have them run at the same time, but they won't "blend together" at all.