This is not a Troll But I dont know how to open my Powder Folder To Install Mods I Looked how To Install Them Ik How But Idk How To Open My Folder I Use a Windows 1.8.1 If you Could Please Help I Would Appreciate
Thank You For Your Time!
Oh so your saying i can only have one mod at a time? Or can i still have multiple just not for windows? ETC.
Oh and i downloaded your mod jacob1.
Im getting The Powder-RScience-2.3.3 mod if you have any more questions please post :) thank you!
So i have to open the application?
Or what can i do? Can anyone give me a set of directions? im just a modder for minecraft but im trying new games like powder toy.
But then how do you mix them? like directions. like first. open your folder by going ingame and clicking a sirtan button. then dragon the mod into it
Ok So Lua Allows you to mix? or it doesnt and then the How can i mix these?
You can't mix Lua scripts. You can have them run at the same time, but they won't "blend together" at all.