I logged on today with my main account, and it said: This account has been banned. Reason given: Abusive tagging fourth offense, perma. I don't know why, and I wasn't warned or anything, even though it says fourth offense. Could it be hacked? Please help, because i can't find my saves and i spent a lot of time on them. (This is a second account, one i made on accident when i was a noob.)
The thing is, I wasn't banned three times. I was banned once, a long time ago, for something totally different. I just logged on and it said i was perma-banned. Could someone have hacked it or what? Because it makes no sense. I don't know what happened. I haven't been on for like a week.
Well, whatever. I have my saves backed up. I don't know about those bans, because I wasn't on for 3 months, and then i got on once. I'll just go on this account. I think i got hacked, for whatever reason i don't know. So, thanks for your "help".