Extreme feedback!

  • Cracker1000
    4th Oct 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    First of all i am not lazy.
    O.K what would you do when your keyboard stopped working then you use mouse to exit if there is a Exit button.so its the basic requirement.
  • china-richway2
    4th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cracker1000 (View Post)

    The right top side of the window in Windows. It's the most basic button of Windows. Quit.

    Edited 3 times by china-richway2. Last: 4th Oct 2013
  • the_new_powder99999
    6th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    The exit button is a great idea, in full screen, there is no red X in the top right and my keyboard glitches out a lot.

  • mniip
    6th Oct 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    sandbox is either too limited, or too vulnerable
  • jacob1
    6th Oct 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    no, not really. In fact, we could just remove half the lua api except for things like strings and math, noone would care. The reason we would want lua code embed in saves is to use the tpt api functions anyway, and we would leave all those in except for filesystem stuff.

    But still, we aren't ever going to add embedding lua code in saves. Maybe we will have a script server eventually where scripts have to be approved, but probably those scripts would be run under some type of sandbox anyway that removes the most dangerous things like os.execute (well, I guess all the code is already there and has no sandbox though ...)
  • mniip
    6th Oct 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    you can't make a semi-sandbox.
    so, the only solution is a pre-moderated script repository
    Edited once by mniip. Last: 6th Oct 2013
  • asdf123
    12th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    not bad with coders, and with ur life sensor i think u mean change sensor

    but that willtake tons of memory (nah not really)

    i like the idea

  • Cracker1000
    12th Oct 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @asdf123 (View Post)
    @the_new_powder99999 (View Post)
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    Can you add any of the above given suggestions in tpt or just add them on your jacob1's list.And is it intentional that pcln(powered clone ) takes many frames to get activated once it sparked with nscn simultaneously?
    and what about suggestion 3(B) to limit the parts in a save?
    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 12th Oct 2013
  • boxmein
    12th Oct 2013 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    > 2)coders(cdrs)- it can be programed with prop tool like setting the code in lua or phython for eg. "!set life all 9999"
    nononono read the other topics it's unsafe and bad and completely not powerful in every way, how would you ever use it literally

    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    >-> ->b a tool that can be used to limit the parts or pixels or particular element or all the elements.(we can identify the parts but cant make tpt to limit them )
    so basically element DRM? :O what's wrong with the current system of letting people do whatever they want and do your thing if they want to?

    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    >c EXIT button etc IN fullscreen mode.
    Exiting fullscreen can be done completely using the mouse which unhides the cross button? :O

    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    >Q1 Is there any way to find the next versions release date?
    Next versions just happen when Simon ever comes on and other devs ask him to push an increment. The features and what not are usually completely random.

    @cracker1000 (View Post)
    >Q3 Who said that my pc is slow it runs tpt on an 55 to 70 fps on an average.
    TPT is a game with FPS that has mood swings - you can have really few particles and you can have tons of particles and they'll be updated with the same speed, which causes the FPS drop/rise.
    Edited once by boxmein. Last: 12th Oct 2013
  • Darkwrist
    13th Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cracker1000 (View Post)

    Good suggestions brother.

    CAn anyone tell me how to use flags in detail since i have been not playing tpt which is now tpt++ from long time.

    thanks in advance.