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QRTZ.png Quartz
Section Solids
Spawn temperature 22°C
Heat Conductivity 1.2%
Relative weight 100
Gravity 0
Acid dissolve rate 0%
Flammability 0
State Solid
High temperature LAVA.png above 2300°C
Misc properties
Source code


QRTZ can be created by molten ROCK, with 1/12500 frequency, while under between 50 and 75 pressure.


Quartz can conduct heat, and is capable of conducting electricity under certain conditions. QRTZ only conducts if it is colder than -100°C, or if the pressure around it is greater than 8. It can only receive SPRK from NSCN, METL, or PSCN.

Photons (PHOT) can pass through QRTZ, but are scattered in random directions. White photons will change into a random colour when they enter QRTZ. Most photons are deleted after a certain number of frames determined by their "Life" value, but this countdown is suspended while photons are in QRTZ.

QRTZ conducts heat much more slowly than other particles. Because of the way heat conduction currently works, this means that heat conduction will occur in random bursts a few QRTZ particles at a time, and QRTZ will not melt instantly when its highest possible temperature has been reached.

QRTZ will grow after absorbing SLTW.

QRTZ breaks into PQRT when the pressure changes too rapidly. Its resistance to changes in pressure scales with temperature - at -273.15°C it will be broken by any pressure change at all, even the slight breeze from a DUST particle falling nearby.

Molten CLST will turn into Molten CRMC when mixed with Molten QRTZ.


The shade of QRTZ is controlled by its tmp2 value. The default generated values made by placing it are 0-10, With 0 being a fairly dark blue and 10 being nearly white. It's shade occasionally changes to a nearby color at low frequency while growing.



This save shows off how QRTZ can be made to conduct electricity using pressure.
This save shows off a type of art (which, I don't know what it's meant to be yet) which shows how QRTZ can be grown by its ctype or with SLTW.The same can be done if you introduce a high tmp using the Edit Property Tool
Image demonstrating Tmp2 values 0-10 in QRTZ QRTZGradient.jpg
Language: English