Particle Temperature/Pressure

  • TristanLuigi
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    So we all know about the elements COOL/HEAT, right? But we can't clone it, not use console commands to make lava cool into HEAT or ice melt into COOL. We can't make a simple refrigerator (LN2 and LO2 would just trap themselves stuck in the fridge) and using these ideas we can make Freon, anti-Freon, cooler, and heater. We only need 2 particles:
    PCOL - Particle Cool - Gas menu. A gas with no gravity, and is at absolute zero. PCLR cannot be warmed (or cooled, but that's just because it's the coldest anything can get). It is the color of the COOL icon, and the particles automatically disappear after one second if source is clone, otherwise 5. Glows.
    PHET - Particle Heat - Very similar to PCOL but is the color of the HEAT icon, and is at the highest temperature possible in TPT. Useful for everything PCLR is useful for but opposites (oven without smoking, anti-Freon, heater, ect.)

    Also the same thing with PAIR and PVAC. PAIR is white, PVAC is black and they add/subtract pressure. Useful for pumps, vacuums, explosives, and implosives.

    I hope this is implemented, thanks for reading (and in case you DIDN'T read, well get off your lazy a**. I'm not writing a TL;DR for you.)
  • dnerd
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @TristanLuigi (View Post)
    far heaters and coolers, use GOL for PAIR and PVAC use PUMP.
  • TristanLuigi
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @dnerd (View Post)
    GOL is very hard to keep still. your trying to make a solid block of heater, and BAM all the GOL dies and you get like 5 tiny 3x1 rotating pixel blobs. GOL just can't sustain itself. You need a clone with PHET and PCOL.

    The whole electronics thing is a wee bit complicated and REALLY unnecessary. Plus, even with PUMP it isn't as useful (For example with console commands) or practical (What if I want to make a center of gravity for a planet? I can't throw electronics in the middle of a bunch of OIL. I want to MAKE a planet, not EXPLODE a planet.)
  • Neospector
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by Simon: Image spam
  • TristanLuigi
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Neospector (View Post)
    GOL is very very very very very complicated. It would take a YEAR to learn, because it either expands all the way around the screen or stops multiplying and slowly cools.

    For PUMP, well okay I see your point but the temperature part IMO is very flimsy and is the second worst way possible to define properties (first being pressure.)

    And what if I want more than one planet, or one not in the center?

    Also, I HAVE infact read the Wiki.
  • limelier
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    PAIR and PVAC are the old black and white hole. In the beta they have been replaced.
  • Neospector
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @TristanLuigi (View Post)
    It took me 30 minutes to learn which ones work as coolers and which ones work as heaters.
    Download the source and look at it. If you can make something better, tell us.
  • jacksonmj
    23rd May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    @TristanLuigi (View Post)
    Temperature is used because it's the easiest property to change manually to the numeric value you want (PUMP temperature can only be changed using the HEAT/COOL tools, not by hot/cold particles next to it). If you have a better idea on how to let people control PUMP pressure, feel free to share it.

    Air/vacuum elements would just be PUMP that you can't switch off and can't adjust the strength of the pressure change.

    Heating/cooling can be done perfectly well with existing elements (GOL, or cloning CFLM or PLSM, or pouring stuff into BHOL).
  • TristanLuigi
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacksonmj (View Post)
    How about we make a dialog that lets you choose the property (i.e. the pump pressure, wifi channel, filt color, ect.) and be able to paint those settings onto materials?
  • cctvdude99
    23rd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Learn how GOL works please. Just randomly chuck the GOL around and see what you get. I'd look at loads of people's lasers, they often use GOL.
    Also, as for a dialog, I don't think we really need one. We can already do it ourselves with HEAT/COOL...
    Also, can you go play the game and see what each element does? You clearly haven't done that yet, I would recommend it.