The beta for version 47 is ready now, it mostly brings changes to existing elements, the python console is currently unavailable until issues with publishing such a major addition can be solved. Some features such as copy and pasting console commands and save IDs have also yet to be completed and I hope they appear in the final release.
Here's a partial change log for this version:
Enhanced visual effects for Portals
Glow now has more stimuli (Green: Pressure, Blue: Movement, Red: Heat)
Python console (Unavailable in current beta)
Fixed issue where you appear to be logged in but aren't.
Changes to Quartz (Grows like crystal when exposed to salt water)
Singularity explodes upon death
Save ID shown after saving and on Open Dialog
Rearrangement of some elements (Photons in Radioactive, Thunder in Explosive, etc)
-The two stickmen should be next to each other, just looks cleaner. -INSL should move to electronics (not sure if anybody else agrees with this) -Would it be possible to add a color change to portal when you heat it, similar to wifi? (and it would be cool of the particle effect change color as well)
Save id is great! (at the bottom of the thumbnail view of each save as well)
Glow is amazing because you get mixtures of colours for example you get a cyan colour with air cause it would have pressure and moment or if you push up hot glow you get pink. Adding thunder is one of the coolest with all the different colours.