
  • vsams14
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hey, this is open for anyone! how does pt save stamps? what exactly is the file format .stm? are there any ways that the stm file can be edited without the powdertoy?Also, pt should be able to import .gif format where layer one is elements, layer two is pressure, layer 3 is heat, so on
  • HK6
    20th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Yes it does save stamps in the .stm file format.
  • vsams14
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    no duh, i asked HOW?
    also, my pt won't keep me logged in, I know that a text file that had a line starting with "MOFO" controlled this, so i could essentially make my own text file that tells it what it needs, but I don't remember what you need to have in the text file...
    this question is added on to my previous one, but that one is still as active as ever.
  • bchandark
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    By saving them, a file format for stamps, no, possibly
  • HeyJD
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    You can save any file in any file extension even though it has never been created...

    For example I can save something with the extension named .hey .
    It is the way the game reads the files is how it works... not the extension.

    EDIT: changed a word to a different word with the same meaning...
  • ssc4k
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    HeyJD: before making a non-contributing post and correcting other users PLEASE know what you are talking about first. That is a file extension, let me explain with 2 definitions:

    "A file format is a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file."

    "A filename extension is a suffix to the name of a computer file applied to indicate the encoding convention (file format) of its contents."

    Any talk in this talk is about a/the format for/of TPT, not an/the extension for/of it.

    If TPT could be made to import files encoded as "abbreviation,temp" and at the end have "1" for wall or "0" for no wall for each pixel, left to right up to down, it would be extremely useful.
  • HeyJD
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    firstly I wasn't correcting anyone, I was answering his question about the file format named .stm!

    Secondly I know what i'm talking about.

    Thirdly I know that's a file extension. I must have gotten mixed up between words because vsams14 said format. You know what i'm saying anyway.

    If your talking like that then there's no such thing as the format of .stm! It's a filename extension.

    Also please don't try to pick a fight when everyone knows what I mean.
  • ssc4k
    20th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm sorry if I came off as if I wanted a fight but your post was... well a bit random and it was incorrect (not trying to be picky), I'll explain why I posted what I did. You may actually know a good deal on the topic but you still posted something incorrect and random that answered no ones question. The questions were what is .stm (accidental but still a question) and the encoding of it, I did not see an answer the the unaswered in your post, only a (incorrectly phrased) statement of what .stm is. Also Nowhere in my post did I mention ".stm", let alone discredit (or infer to discredit) it as TPT's stamp extension.

    As pointed above I wasn't trying to be picky or anger you, I apologize if I came off that way. Not everyone may now what you mean, for instance I meant to discredit the content of your post, and tell you not to post answered questions off topic-ly, more than you for posting it, though you took it the other way (as is understandable because not everyone sees everything the same way). I really didn't intend to put any future focus on it either and continued to talk about the topic even further in my post, please don't take it as a personal attack but as a correction.
  • HeyJD
    20th Aug 2010 Member 1 Permalink
    I except your apology.

    Now let not get too off topic...
    (if only there was a way to delete posts...)
  • devast8a
    20th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    That's not necessarily true.
    One could rip the code for reading/saving stamps, then perform an operation on the stamp data (I was going to do this for Rotating/Flipping stamps)
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