Laser Advice and Information Needed

  • TheTempest
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Okay, so I want to know EVERYTHING there is to know about laser. What makes it hottest or strongest. How to make one with an On/Off Switch. Why I see PCLN on all the good ones. I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING :D Come on I know I'm not that experienced but neither were you when you started playing TPT. Explain it to me :D I wanna know!!!!
  • ClaymoreTF2
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Do something like that, but use more life elemnets like wall or balckholes with plasma and clne.
    You can make it only glows by making on lcry and adding in center glow on specify temprature.
    You can copy my laser and improve or modify, but give the credit.
  • PizzaPlatypus
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Use living gol (constantly replicating) to heat filter and voide to shoot the photons through.
    For cold lasers use liquid crystal and dead (not moving) gol to super cool the photons.
  • code1949
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Heating: GoL (fragile, constant heat, lowest temp of all), Plasma (hard to control, random heat), Nuclear (pressure needed, heat builds up, highest possible heat)

    Density: The less gaps, the less beam distortion from lava; The more photons per pixels, the stronger the beam.

    Cloning: Ensure that most of the clone pixels can create photons and ensure that the photons will all be focused.
  • TheTempest
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Heating: So Nuclear heat is best, does that mean I should use Plasma to build pressure to make URAN or PLUT give off lots of heat? If so, how?

    Density: Can you be a little more clear? I can't quite understand what you mean. Sorry for trouble.

    Cloning: How do I do that?
  • code1949
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Clone or Powered Clone

    Nuclear has highest possible heat but GoL is very effective. It is only about 1000C difference.

    Lasers can cause multiple particles to be on a single pixel.
  • _-_David_-_
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    GoL - 9000 degree heat
    PCLN - For manually firing the laser
    NSCN - On
    NSCN - Off
    INSL - For keeping the 2 above cool, and to prevent parts melting (quite a problem sometimes)
  • TheTempest
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Oh OK thanks and about Cloning I know how to clone I just am not sure how to "Ensure that most of the clone pixels can create photons and ensure that the photons will all be focused."
  • code1949
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Heating In-depth:
    Plasma: Heating speed depends on clone speed, can be hard to use, generates slight pressure, requires a draining mechanism, heat drains the most.

    Nuclear: Highest possible temp, needs pressure, illegal due to pressure in some competitions, affected by heat drain, uranium is used.

    Game of Life: Heats very quickly, compact: a 2x2 unit can heat things up quite quickly, almost no heat loss, the heating rate can be affected by the GoL type used.


    Laser Density: The more particles there are in a pixel, the better the heating.

    Transparency: Some materials allow photon to pass through, this causes them to lose heat while taking less damage.

    Distortion: If photons hit certain angles, they are removed, this is usually if lava falls on them.

    Absorption: Lasers are absorbed by black objects and void. As a result, coal, being black and unmeltable is able to stop lasers.

    Invisible: Invisible turns photons into neutrons this can be either good or bad, depending on the circumstances.
  • TheTempest
    14th Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    What GoL would heat up something quickest? And which one is hottest? Or are they all the same?