Type ''set'' then what you wnat to change either ''type'' (what thing it is) ''temp'' (the temperature) ''ctype'' (dont exactly no what it is but for example if you put ctype for plasma to noble gas it will become the ignited noble gas plasma or if you get a tub fill it with lava and change ctype of the lava to diamond then when you cool it it becomes diamond) and ''life'' (if life is zero never disappears so can make everlasting fire and if you set the life for fire really high it goes yellow) note:when typeing elements use the 4 letter abrieviation.Then you put what element you want to be affected or you can put all.For emample ''set lava ctype deut''.''set temp water 0'' (wich makes it -273.15 degreas so it is in kelvin).''set type all dmnd''.''set life fire 9999999''. Hope this helps.
1) Type 'set' 2) Choose a variable 'type', 'temp', or 'ctype' (ctype is secondary type, i.e. for lava when it cools or clne) 3) Type the particle you want it to apply to (you can use 'all' to signify all particles) 4) Type what you want to change it to.
i.e. set type plut lava set ctype clne phot set temp watr 300
NOTE: Temperature is measured in Kelvin, Celcius to Kelvin conversion is K = C - 273.15