Pop!-Shop version not up to date.

  • Pangolin_Fan
    30th January Member 0 Permalink

    Hello. Sometimes clicking on a public save will give the message, "This save is from a newer version", however there's no option to update TPT on the Pop!-Shop.


    Also, the message implied that TPT can be updated ingame, if so how can I do that?

  • jacob1
    30th January Developer 0 Permalink
    Hi! This version is unofficial, actually the first time I've heard of it. I really wouldn't recommend using it, I can't find any info about this version online.

    You can download TPT from our Download page, or get it from Steam. The direct download is portable, but it will prompt you on first run to install it (sets up a menu shortcut and browser / file integrations), but if not you can press Ctrl+i to install it.