Please, just fix mobile.

  • Desty
    12th March Member 0 Permalink

    On mobile, please give us the HUD, just this one thing. 

  • jacob1
    12th March Developer 0 Permalink
    What do you mean? Are there missing features you want added? I can take them into consideration.

    The HUD is already there, so is the advanced HUD that you get by pressing 'd' (you can enable that by bringing up the on-screen keyboard)
  • RegisterUnknown
    14th March Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by LBPHacker: does not contribute to the conversation
  • SamDwich
    14th March Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by LBPHacker: does not contribute to the conversation
    Edited once by SamDwich. Last: 14th March
  • z4dg9ssw135
    16th March Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by LBPHacker: does not contribute to the conversation
  • AntigrainWarhead
    17th March Member 0 Permalink

    Whats wrong? The console is perfectly usable with the onscreen android keyboard and sure the info hud when you hover over a pixel does not have life or tmp so just download a script

  • Etho
    5th April Member 0 Permalink

    Would be nice to have a line tool on mobile so it would easier to make walls from materials other than WALL

  • AntigrainWarhead
    6th April Member 0 Permalink

    if you want to have line tools and brush shapes (like triangles and squares) you can use it also has stuff like frame by frame and grid