Does TPT have some public archive

  • Rajat
    10th February Member 1 Permalink

    I wanted to know if there is some public archive or backup of all saves

  • kit237
    10th February Member 1 Permalink

    yes, there is one. try to write a history:ID or go through TPT Ultimata and hover over the calendar.

  • Rajat
    10th February Member 1 Permalink

    No not like that i mean like the whole server copy for like data hoarding cuz its just like 60 gb or something wont hurt to save it

  • Sylvi
    11th February Moderator 0 Permalink
    @Rajat (View Post)
    Saves are backed up by @jacob1 on a periodic basis. The archive is not public because it's ridiculously large in volume and unpublished saves would be in there too.
  • Rajat
    12th February Member 1 Permalink

    ok not a big issue i was just curious

  • Yesssir
    17th February Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by Sylvi: spam