account deletion

  • RatRating
    19th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    i gather you can't actually delete accounts but are you able to delete everything ON my account?
    make it blank again?
    i just want to stop getting anxiety about whatever forgotten comments or whatever in here that I don't remember
    but i guess removing my past username should probably be enough if that's easier

  • jacob1
    19th May 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    No, there's no way for us to delete accounts. You could manually go through all your content and delete all your saves. But this is a bit extreme, I'd recommend just leaving the account be.

    You also have way too many comments for me to delete them.
  • Sylvi
    19th May 2023 Moderator 1 Permalink
    Though we are planning to work on adding the function in the near term as there are requirements by Google Play store being implemented in the near future
  • RatRating
    20th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    i understand
    what about removing listed past usernames though?

    Edited 2 times by RatRating. Last: 20th May 2023
  • jacob1
    20th May 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    @RatRating (View Post)
    Username history sticks around for 14 days, after that it disappears from your profile
  • z4dg9ssw135
    20th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     a bit offtopic but can we know what else will be added because of google play requirements?

    Edited once by z4dg9ssw135. Last: 20th May 2023
  • jacob1
    20th May 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    @z4dg9ssw135 (View Post)
    What other features would you want? They rarely impose any requirements on us, so account deletion is the only one.
  • z4dg9ssw135
    20th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     tpt really lacks "group chats" in conversations (smth like in discord group chat)

  • RatRating
    25th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     oh thank you that is good