Why dosent TPT linux open? to Jacob1

  • LogikMacherDE
    2nd May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    So my old laptop from 1997 uses linux based UbuntuX but TPT linux sould be running but no theres no problem opening other games like minecraft or KSP even KSP2 kinda but TPT wont either Ubuntu isent linux based but they lied but it dosent to anything at all and i tryed CMD too and it said "this binary programm wont run because could find the programm" but it made an file called (no joke this is acculy the files name) "" < nevermind makes the name this ok ok ok sad i wish my got dam brower would work once but makes names wierd but umm i cant right now use my windows laptop my HDD and CPU gave up and i got no money but i love my old laptop

    3rd May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    @BlueLobsterTPT (View Post)

     How are you downloading TPT on linux, What does it appear as in your file manager?

    PS: the internet says nothing about "UbuntuX", was this a typo?

    Edited once by IEATDIRT. Last: 3rd May 2023
  • LogikMacherDE
    3rd May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    UbutuX is heavely linux based also it is avalible under the download now theres an other platforms link or meaby bc its an old old Ubuntu OS because i kinda feal and looks old but runs modern internet and games also UbuntuX no resaults ok but its not an typo also remember linux os theres an open source project to make you own OS with Linux Ubuntu is one of these meaby thats why bc its custom idk

  • jacob1
    4th May 2023 Developer 1 Permalink
    My first guess is that the binary isn't being marked as executable. If you open a terminal, cd to the directory with tpt, and run "chmod +x powder" it might work. You might also be able to set the executable bit from a file manager if you use that.

    Also, please use punctuation. Your post is a long, run-on sentence with absolutely no breaks, and is hard to read.
  • LogikMacherDE
    4th May 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    kinda but it just crashed 2seconds later and then had to crash my laptop yeah i want my windows back it works better i rarely use ubuntu/linux so idk what i sould do but ill try agian

  • jacob1
    4th May 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    @BlueLobsterTPT (View Post)
    Based on the age of your laptop, it is too old to run TPT. I wonder if it's even a 64 bit cpu. Even if it was, it would probably still crash.