an android mouse feature removed?

  • pinecone
    10th Jan 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    ive noticed that with my mouse i cant make lines with elements anymore and every time i try to it just uses the bucket tool.Is there any way for me to use the line tool again?

  • jacob1
    10th Jan 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    @pinecone (View Post)
    Hmm, this shouldn't have been removed, it sounds like a bug. It would do this if it thinks ctrl and shift are also held. The ctrl and shift shortcuts do work on Android also, but only if you have a keyboard plugged in too.

    It will be a bit of time before I can check this. Just confirm you haven't accidentally pressed ctrl/shift somehow, and maybe restart the game or your phone to rule things out.
  • pinecone
    12th Jan 2023 Member 0 Permalink