hello everyone i want to try to make a lithium battery meter. i tried using prop tool(or using the !set ctype from console) at first but putting any number will instead result in the element from the generic id system , other suggested methods were as suggested from discord, the spectrometry (analyzing the bounced photons from lith) of lithium but that's too detailed and also I don't know both the default and charged spectrum
so anyone having idea of how to measure the stored charge in a lithium battery?
The battery meter thing works only in snapshots or Cracker1000's Mod (or maybe jacob's mod too but not sure).
Here's a save id that demonstrates the charge detection mechanism very briefly
I plan to make a detailed save explaining this and other changes later on when v97.0 gets released.
Also, you can this save as a workaround for now if your goal is to prevent it from exploding <save id deleted, private not to be shared in public>
So you are limited with these two saves for now. Feel free to ask for help or anything tho.
you might be able to use a spark counter to count out the amounts of spark entering (times 4) and count out the amounts of spark exiting, to make a fairly accurate lithium spark detector