This tutorial aims to explain all the basic reactions of LITH element introduced in version 96.0. Hope it Helps.
This fuels my lithium addiction.
It isn't that useful but okay, I will see if I can fit in somewhere. There's a new feature getting added to lith in next version maybe I should add both the points in this save.
could you put on there the radii: 2px for p/nscn to lith and 3px for lith to lith
nvm, it still does
does it not turn blue anymore?
PLEASE do a INST tutorial
Greendragon: Unfortunately, no. .life property which could have been used for storing the charge instead of ctype is already being used for burnout timer. There's currently no possible way of detecting if LITH is about to explode due to overcharging too.
Are there ways to detect absorbed energy from LITH?
cvojan: Nope. Also, Updated the save. 96.1 update adds an explosion code to LITH, Improves the graphics and also makes the LITH->GLAS reaction a bit easier.
Is there a reaction that produces LITH? (Besides cloning it)