i was thinking of adding a new tab on the right called "your elements" and in that tab there bould be a buton there and you'd click on it and it would bring up this menue and i had all of the dufrent things so you could creat your own element you could chose its name, color, decription and every thing cange it's ctype, temp on spawn, liquid, solid. powder. how wether or not it's an electronic component jusy every thing is customiseable. and once your done it saves in that tab and if it doesn't work the way you need or want it to you have the option to delet it and if you want to share it you can click some thing and once you upload a save with it then there will be a little 3-3 box on the right side so that you could middle click and a nother person could save it but only if the person does that thing to you could save it.
There's actually a script available on script server for this.
You will have to load it via scriptmanager. Feel free to ask for help regarding the same (it's fairly easy to install tho).
Once you load the script you will be able to make custom elements in game.