How TRON can move?

  • KnZahid300
    24th Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I was seeing that TRON moves randomlly and idk if theres a variable that makes that or not,you can say me how TRON moves?

  • EnganK
    24th Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink
  • KnZahid300
    25th Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Idk if you mean this

    tmp Bit Values

    HEAD: The 1st bit from the right (0x1) is the head flag. If this bit is set, the particle is a "head" and will generate a tail.

    NOGROW: The 2nd bit from the right (0x2) determines if the tail should grow longer over time. If it is set, the TRON particle will remain at it's current size until it dies.

    WAIT: The 3rd bit from the right (0x4) is the wait flag. It is set when the TRON particle is first created and should wait a frame before doing anything.

    NODIE: The 4th bit from the right (0x8) sets whether or not the tail of the TRON particle fades away over time. If it is set, the tail will remain permanently.

    DEATH: The 5th bit from the right (0x10) is set if the TRON particle has crashed and is now dying.

    direction: The 6th and 7th bits from the right (0x60) determine the direction the TRON particle is moving. Two bits give four possible numbers, corresponding to four directions.

    color: The 8th through 16th bits from the right (0xFF80) determine the TRON's hue. There are 32 possible hues determined by the 5 most significant bits (0xF800) of this field.

    NORANDOM: The 17th bit from the right (0x10000) sets the behavior of the TRON particle. If it is set, the particle will not turn randomly, and will only change direction if it is about to hit something. This is commonly referred to as "zombie" mode.

    Edited once by KnZahid300. Last: 25th Oct 2021