??? ?? ?? ??

  • seonghyeon
    22nd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    I was writing a save description in Korean on Powder Toy and found an error where all Korean characters were displayed as '?'.
    Please fix this error.
    Now, the title was also written in Korean as 'Error related to Korean input', but '??? ?? ?? ??' is displayed.
    Also, I am not good at English, so I am writing through a translator, so I would like to inform you that the accent I was originally trying to convey may be conveyed differently.
    Edited once by seonghyeon. Last: 22nd Jul 2021
  • accountdeleted
    22nd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @seonghyeon (View Post)

     You can't use Korean characters in Powder toy, as you can't use japanese characters, chinese characters, and so on, because Powder toy doesn't support them.

  • jacob1
    22nd Jul 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    To clarify the above, TPT only has partial support for korean characters. It can only display these characters, you cannot use them on things uploaded to the website. This might be rectified in the future, but for now, only use standard ascii in save titles, descriptions, and comments.
  • tommers
    23rd Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    this, is incredibly niche.

  • jacob1
    23rd Jul 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    @tommers (View Post)
    Google says 75 million people speak Korean. Language isn't niche.

    On TPT we do require English, but we have very large Korean and Russian communities in the game (the Korean userbase got large enough they created their own forums and website, even)