96 is supposed to put your data in a folder in appdata, how can i keep it in the tpt folder like in 95
thanks for the quick response
Linux Mint 20.3
This may be a bit of a necro, but it seems to fit . . . .
Is there any way to revert to the own-folder mode and make it stick? For the last few years TPT wanted to toss everything into my home directory root instead of keeping it all "at home". I busted my brain trying to find a solution. My only choice was between folder clutter and link clutter :(. Since I migrated it to the shared app data directory, I don't have the clutter, but I can't keep mods separate. I like to keep different settings and scripts for each, and it's really bad to have mixed saves. The only mods I'm using are Jacob1's and Cracker1000's.
*sigh* It's like being back in ol' Windwoes. *sigh*
Ah! Thank you. I missed/overlooked that ddir command. One launcher per instance, and I should have domestic tranquility restored. DUH!