Fish in the game

  • TheNanuak
    17th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    It would be cool to see fish in the game, each one being a single particle that moves around in stuff like water or saltwater but dies in anything else or distilled water, or if in acid or something, heat could kill it as well as electricity and cold could freeze them into a temporary ice cube I guess. just a thought I had.

  • random_rickroll
    18th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @TheNanuak (View Post)

     that's in the 'TPT-Ultimata' mod

  • accountdeleted
    21st May 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    @happykrcheese (View Post)
    Yes, and there's also horse, spider, bee, fly and ants. (Maybe a few others but I dont remember them)
  • MachineMan
    21st May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @DeuteriumOxide (View Post)

     HORSES!?  IN TPT!?  But how?  Every element is one pixel.  If you can implement large animals in tpt, than what about an aardvark to eat the ants? :o


    That was not a genuine suggestion but it would be awesome.  I'm not trying to hijack this thread and I apologize if I did.

  • NF
    23rd May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

     They literally said mod. 

  • MachineMan
    24th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @NF (View Post)

     I know they said mod, but vanilla or not, it's still a particle-based sandbox.

  • accountdeleted
    24th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    @MachineMan (View Post)
    It isn't even strange that 1 pixel of HRSE is not 1 pixel, cuz not one pixel of LOLZ nor one of LOVE are one pixel.
    And they exist in Vanilla TPT