Problems with a save with vibranium

    23rd Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    So I wanted to create a vibranium reactor with a specific LIFE on the vibranium using PROP but after saving it and even stamping it, it would always reset the vibranium's LIFE. Any help on how to solve this problem?

  • Qu4draconst
    23rd Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    To what?

  • KyYay
    24th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Life (and tmp2) are capped to 0-65535 when saving because it's saved using an unsigned short and "It's Good Enough So We Wont Change It"* despite the fact that tmp is saved with a signed long which is why it can be saved with a negative value


    (*never actually been said i just thought this was funny)

    Edited 3 times by KyYay. Last: 24th Mar 2021
  • jacob1
    24th Mar 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    @WEEB_TIME (View Post)
    What .life value are you trying to save with?

    It is capped to 0-65535 as @KyYay said. I don't believe there are any elements in the game that benefit from a .life higher than that. It should change it to 65535 if you have VIBR with anything higher. Negative .life (nor any other properties) are not supported.

    @KyYay (View Post)
    temperature is actually saved with two bytes, just like .life, but does have some special code to save it more precisely around room temperature. It is stored in K, which does not go negative.
    24th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Well the vibranium has negative 727379968 LIFE


     Basically, the reactor works like this:


     I place the vibranium with the negative LIFE next to a clone which creates normal vibranium.

     The vibranium with negative LIFE then jump-starts the decay of the normal vibranium,

     And evidently, the vibranium with negative LIFE doesn't decay. This process then creates

     heat reaching 9000 C. Then the heat is then transferred to water which makes steam

  • jacob1
    24th Mar 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    @WEEB_TIME (View Post)
    Negative .life VIBR sounds like a glitch. You shouldn't rely on it, because it may be impossible to create negative .life in a future version.
  • KyYay
    24th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    jacob1: Negative .life (nor any other properties) are not supported.


    then why have i seen a save with -2 billion tmp on snow(sing) (granted i think the creator made it like that by accident but thats beyond the point)

    Edited once by KyYay. Last: 24th Mar 2021
  • jacob1
    24th Mar 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    @KyYay (View Post)
    .tmp is saved to 4 bytes, so it is possible for the sign bit to be saved and reloaded in some cases. .life is only saved to 2 bytes, and this fits its purpose for nearly every element. life is just meant to be a timer, slowly ticking down, and is virtually never used for anything else.