Meson can't find luaJIT on mac

  • jacob1
    28th Jan 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Cheese_KR (View Post)
    It's hard for me to know why one person gets a problem and the other person doesn't. There must be some environment issue breaking @BecauseICanTM's build or making your build work regardless of the luajit issue.

    So maybe your PKG_CONFIG_PATH was already different, or maybe it just installed it to a different folder. I don't know.
  • random_rickroll
    28th Jan 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     I think it's because I recently(and accidentally) 'rm -rf /'ed my mac, and reinstalled macos from scratch.

  • randomblock1
    25th Feb 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey, I followed this and was getting errors building on my M1 mac. Solved almost all of it.


    If the compiler complains about SDL2/SDL.h not existing:

    ln -s /opt/homebrew/include/SDL2 /opt/homebrew/include/SDL2/SDL2

    Don't know why that happens, but whatever.


    Now, it seems to compile and link just fine, but when I execute it, I get this:

    [1]    82250 killed     ./powder

    and with dtruss:

    dtrace: failed to execute ./powder: Malformed Mach-o file


    Any ideas why this is happening or how I can fix this? Thanks.