
  • jonasboz107
    10th Nov 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    How do I change the direction of objects in the force tab? Whenever I place them nothing works.

  • Linkram
    16th Nov 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I dunno

  • forthe
    16th Nov 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Depends on the element. ACEL/DCEL, RPEL, GBMB, and DMG work directionlessly on their own. FRME requires PSTN to work, and PSTN requires P/NSCN to work. FRAY requires a conductor to work. Their directions are based on the relative positions of other particles around them.

  • jacob1
    19th Nov 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    Yeah the menu name may imply that each element creates directional force, but none of them work that way. I think only FAN wall lets you set a direction yourself.
    Each element in force is different, you'll have to use the descriptions and the wiki to figure out what they do.