I recommand you for The SNOW-SING Bomb. You can upgrade this bomb to your own cool bomb. When you want to make this bomb, Follow these steps:
Explode-when-touch-other-thing Bomb
1. Draw SNOW
2. Open a console and type this:
!set ctype SNOW SING
!set tmp SNOW 2147483647
? When you've getting lazy to do all this steps, follow this steps. You can did only one time to do this stuff!
1. Type tpt.getscript(1, "autorun.lua", 1).
2. There will be a 'LUA'-shaped-button. Just click that.
3. There should appear some window. Click 'Online' in upside of the window.
4. Find LBPHacker's SNOWfied SING script and download it.
5. Prese [E] and search SSNG.
Instant-exploding Bomb
1. Draw SING
2. Open a console and type these:
!set life SING 0
!set ctype SING SNOW
!set tmp SING 2147483647