Uh oh, I said the no-no word (moving solids)!
I was thinking about an ingenious way to make moving solids, and I thought, about making solid energy particles.
The Github page for PROT says that it has a collision of -.99f.
The Github page for most solids (e.g. PSCN) says that it has a collision of 0.0f.
What if we created a new element (that's basically a clone of PROT), and set the collision to 0.0f?
I have no way to test this, and i'm betting that changing the collision would result in a buggy element.
The solids would have to pass through each other (otherwise they might overlap when bouncing), but how would you handle things like walls? Like if half of a moving energy solid hits a wall, only half of it would bounce away. What happens when it hits a bunch of liquid? You might have particles moving into each other or have a glitchy mess with solid particles bounding around.
The getting solids to move together part is pretty easy, the hard parts are
- How would moving solids move into liquids? We'd expect the solid to float or displace fluid, but there's no easy way for this to be done (I'll tr to figure it out after I do realistic circuits)
- Collision handling. Moving solid collisions can be done, but so far they're all buggier than normal. And rotation.
Also I can do you better: https://imgur.com/a/KoAgocb
Why not have the moving solid particles invert in velocity when they touch, say an element like DMND?
Any powders and liquids touching the moving solid could lose their collision with each other, just like in INVS.
The moving solid particles could pass through solids.
My original intent was to make items that could carry powders and liquids, like an elevator.
So more like PROT, but it can collide with things? But how would it carry powders if other particles pass through it?
In addition, what about self-interactions?
@Lord_Bowserinator (View Post)
It would just collide with solids (not powders nor liquids).
These particles would pass through each other, just like PROT.
To explain the reflections:
If a block of these moving solid particles touches a wall of DMND, the whole mass of particles flips in velocity.
This would be coordinated by .TMP, so that if one particle moving up encounters a wall (and has a .TMP of 1), all particles with a .TMP of 1 would invert their velocity (both directions) and move down.