Tutorial is needed

  • JozeffTech
    7th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Greetings. I have noticed that all tutorials about computer making only explain how to make little parts of a computer, for example, logic gates, screens, ALUs, but none of them explain how to make the entire machine, how its parts must connect, etc.

    Do you know a FULL computer making tutorial? I need it very much. Thanks for your attention. 

    7th May 2020 Banned 1 Permalink
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    Edited once by INFINITY-BOI. Last: 7th May 2020
  • ivel236
    8th May 2020 Member 1 Permalink
    I am not aware of any tutorials on how to implement a CPU in TPT in a general sense. Most computers people make are quite specialized and utilize different tech/features. I suggest you read up and get a good idea of how a basic CPU functions, then consider what elements you know how to work with and how you can apply them to make something that does what you want.

    Here's a nice video that gives an overview of a general purpose cpu and its parts:
    And of course don't forget the visual 6502, a simulation of an actual CPU that went into production.

    Here is how all the parts are connected (generally). image

    Anyway I wont spam too much here, wikipedia is your best friend! If you need help with the elements and techniques send me a pm :)
    Edited 6 times by ivel236. Last: 8th May 2020
  • JozeffTech
    11th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Thank you very much! Maybe I'll upload a computer in July...