Greetings. I have some elements suggestions.
1) Potassium permanganate
(KMNO or something like this)
Section: Explosives
Description: "Potassium permanganate, decays onto BRMT and OXYG"
Violet heavy powder. If heated above 100 degrees Celsius, decays rapidly onto OXYG and BRMT (it was chosen to not to add another new element) with this formula:
Can be used in complicated factories and bombs.
2)Carbon monoxide (I think it was suggested before)
Section: Gasses
Description: "Heavy gas, turns BMTL into IRON"
Heavy grey gas, nearly similar to CO2. At 1500 degrees Celsius reacts with molten BMTL and forms molten IRON and CO2 with this formula:
Can be absorbed and turned to oxygen with PLNT.
Would be very useful in factories.
Thank you for your attention.