Movable Transmitter (MOVT)

  • BokkaB
    7th Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink
    Movable transmitter (MOVT) is an element that may be future of TPT. It has color RGB(52,52,52) and starting temperture of 22?C.It is indestructible by heat and pressure.When touch MOVL, an element with same properties and same color as cellular automaton coagulations (COAG), it will got launched. Travel length is determined by ctype of MOVL. There also should be another PROP property called direction(short the name to drct if needed). When direction of MOVL is 0, it would go to east,when 1 to southeast,when 2 to south and so on. Change this if needed. Its speed (in pixels per second) is at start 10, but can be changed with tmp. Once when got sparked with spark or battery, it will remain sparked forever, so it can transfer spark. It can be used infinite times for this.In contact with INST it will lose its spark. This element would decrease needing for ARAY, and it also have additional super functions,like stopping or turning. What do you think about this element? Have a good day! BokkaB
    Edited 10 times by BokkaB. Last: 7th Feb 2020
    7th Feb 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jacob1
    7th Feb 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    This is too specific, and would not be useful to anyone. FILT is by far the best element to transfer information, this element couldn't possibly replace it. FILT carries more data. This element carries almost no data, besides a perpetual spark. ARAY is much better for sending a signal across the screen, and it's instantaneous too, unlike this slow element.

    The configuration of this element is also too obtuse.

    You also mention "super functions like stopping or turning" but don't say how this is triggered.

    Anyway, I'm rejecting this.
Locked by jacob1: rejected